Peggy Woods's Blog (8)

Home Alone

Bugsy is a year & a third now. He's been home during the week for almost a month with no incident. Except...

Yesterday there was a piece of cardboard within reach (what is it with cardboard?)

Last week he had an "accident" & felt ashamed, but I told him he was a good boy because for some reason he thought maybe he should go in the bathtub. (talk about easy clean-up!)

I just keep the bedroom door closed or else he'll lay in my bed all day.

We have a really…


Added by Peggy Woods on June 15, 2011 at 3:02pm — 2 Comments

Throw me in the tub! (cont)

OK, it's to the point now that if he hears the tap running, I might as well be cracking a tray of ice cubes...

So, it is now officially "mud season" where we live. Bugsy scampered through every sort of goo imagineable yesterday. With a good roll in goose poop for good measure. So I left him on the porch while I drew his bath. I opened the door to let him in while the tap is still running so he bolts into the bathroom and assumes the "please boost me in" pose. corgi clean up was a…


Added by Peggy Woods on May 24, 2011 at 11:08am — 4 Comments

Throw me in the tub!

I need to learn to take more pics/vids...

So last night I'm doin stuff in the bathroom & Bugsy keeps STARING at the tub. That "I want in!!" stare. Ok, here ya go bud! I toss him in the tub, shut the drain & run the tap. Wahoo! He could attack the water stream, bite the ripply water, & generally act silly. I let the water get "knee deep" & he splashed about & entertained himself for a good 10-15 min.

I think I need to get him a rubber…


Added by Peggy Woods on May 13, 2011 at 11:49am — 2 Comments

Spring-time in the Rockies

Morning walks are filled with new springy smells & sounds! Birds chirping, ground exposed, duck or geese pairs in the river...

This morning was especially wonderful! It actually rained (instead of snow) last night. I only needed my fleece instead of fleece & shell over. The snow was soft corn-snow instead of hard crust. So fresh tracks were readily visible. We always see several sets of fox tracks & once in a while moose tracks. a couple times the moose. This morning there…


Added by Peggy Woods on April 18, 2011 at 1:43pm — 1 Comment

can't help it - another corgi haiku

frozen road apple

really quite delightful

corgi can't resist

Added by Peggy Woods on April 16, 2011 at 10:27am — 1 Comment

corgi haiku, part deux

Pinecone in the snow

Tempting to the little dog

Corgi takes it home

Added by Peggy Woods on April 6, 2011 at 12:13pm — No Comments

corgi haiku

Walking through fresh snow

While dawn breaks, lilac & rose

Birds sing, Corgi smiles

Added by Peggy Woods on April 4, 2011 at 9:48am — 3 Comments

big boy using his manners

Last night Bugsy went over by where his leash and collar hang. He sat there & looked at me. Then at his leash, & added a stump waggle. Then back at me. "Please Mommy take me for a walk now? Please!"

Well, of course I took him out for a romp!

This was the 1st time ever he's done that. I was very proud that he's learning his "words" ;-)

When he just wants to go out, he sits by the door looking at it. He yips when he wants back in...

It's been so long since I…


Added by Peggy Woods on March 28, 2011 at 12:39pm — 2 Comments

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