Jenn's Blog (9)

Rushed to the emergency vet tonight...

I woke up to Dakota throwing up, then moving around her pen. I got up to check on her and she was acting weird and suddenly she stiffened up. Then she started shaking and foaming at the mouth... I'm assuming seizure. It lasted probably no more than a minute and she was petrified after.

Her vitals are good. I am calling her regular vet tomorrow. It's her first time and it really freaked me out. She's acting like her crazy self now, but I am just sick with worry over this. :(

Added by Jenn on September 30, 2011 at 2:50am — 7 Comments

Having a nervous breakdown: surgery tomorrow

I posted a few weeks ago about how I was told Dakota needed surgery on a torn CCL... well the time has come.


We met with the surgeon last Wednesday.  I really liked him and he seems very confident about the procedure and how she will do.  We are doing a traditional repair on it.  The only thing that made me nervous is that I am not getting much of a physical therapy regimen from him.  In fact, the only thing he said was to keep her on leash outside at all times until…


Added by Jenn on August 1, 2011 at 5:31pm — 7 Comments

Corgis in the snow... Weather alert!

So tonight we are supposed to get tons of snow (as is many states).  Just a few months ago we got four feet in the span of a little over 24 hours.  This isn't supposed to be nearly as much (only two feet or so), but I wonder how my babies will react?  Last time they had made little pathways while the snow fell and stuck to those as it got deeper and deeper... so it looked like they were running around a maze.  I wonder if they will do that again?  What does everyone else's corgis do when the…


Added by Jenn on February 1, 2011 at 3:42pm — 8 Comments

Corgis need to get out- lol.

So, here in NY we get LOTS of snow.  Weeks ago we got hit with almost four feet of snow.  We have four foot fences around our yard and the snow sat just inches below it.  I was quite worried my puppies were going to walk right over it!  Luckily the snow was so deep they were too afraid to travel off the paths they had created while the snow fell.  They lived in these paths for at least a week, because the snow did not melt.  We were actually snowed in for a few days.  For a long time after…


Added by Jenn on January 12, 2011 at 10:15pm — 4 Comments

Welcome, Ryley!

I am so excited! I have a new puppy! Ryley was born in November and would have been ready to take home the day before my wedding, but between wedding plans and our rescue Tanner I knew we wouldn't be able to handle taking her on. On Easter Sunday I went on the computer to see that little five month old Ryley was still available... I was thrilled! Tanner is so much better now (of course he still has his moments) but we could totally handle her. We sent the breeder an email that…


Added by Jenn on April 8, 2010 at 2:00pm — 3 Comments

Happy Birthday Tanner!

My dog Tanner, who I've had since September, turns the big 3 today! *sniffle* They grow up so fast! He enjoyed his special birthday treat, and already started destroying his orka present that I gave him this morning. He's also sporting his St. Patrick's Day collar, so he's looking good on his birthday!

Edited to add: I also bought 32 used tennis balls off of ebay and rolled all 32 out in the middle of our living room for the dogs to play with! What a birthday present. They…

Added by Jenn on February 15, 2010 at 11:30am — 7 Comments

Almost out of the danger zone...

Thanks to everyone who responded earlier. D is almost out of the woods. The vet told me to make sure I fed her bread, which hopefully would surround the bone and cushion it as it travels through her system. She has had about five bowel movements today (normal for her- lol) and there is no blockage as of yet, no blood, or anything that the vet told me to look for and Dakota is stil prancing around like a wacko. If D is still fine tomorrow, the vet said we should be in the clear. She hasn't… Continue

Added by Jenn on July 16, 2009 at 10:07pm — 1 Comment

Freaking out

My Dakota ate a chicken wing bone this morning! My cat must have pulled it out of the garbage and she ate it before I knew it. I am so scared... I don't know what to do!

Added by Jenn on July 16, 2009 at 7:14am — 7 Comments

Busy weekend...

A little background before I talk about the weekend:

I am in the process of buying a house. After I got my beloved Corgi Dakota a year ago I knew I would always get another one once I had my own home. So as soon as we signed the initial papers on a house about a month ago, I contacted Dakota's breeder to find out when another litter would be available.

Then my beloved cat Charlie, who was born in my own bedroom thirteen years ago, became ill just shortly after we signed… Continue

Added by Jenn on July 13, 2009 at 7:30am — 1 Comment

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