Butter's Blog (4)

Butter finally found his Voice!

Well, it has been about 5 months since we adopted Butter (9 year old Cardigan). Some of you may remember how I wrote in, wondering why he never made a sound. Many advised me to be thankful. However, it just didn't seem right. He came perfectly trained, like a little soldier or gentleman. He never made a sound.

At this point, my husband and I are pretty sure that he was prohibited from barking or making any sound where he was before. In fact, the previous owner told me she used high… Continue

Added by Butter on October 19, 2008 at 7:52pm — 4 Comments


OK, I was walking Butter the other day and yet another nickname for Butter "popped" into my head. "Poppet" I was pretty sure it meant a small child and googled it and yes, it is a British term of endearment for small children or little ones. Also, more remarkeably, it is a name of a beach in Cardigan,Wales. Well...what could be more of a delightful lovename for my Cardian Welsh Baby.

I have already started teaching it to him. I say "Come, Poppet" with a British accent and he comes.… Continue

Added by Butter on September 17, 2008 at 8:15pm — 7 Comments


Today I was thinking, as I fed Buttercup, that life is a wonder and yet a puzzle. Here I am being able to afford to feed an animal food and very good food. There are so many people in the world who can not feed their children, even right here in North America. I have been blessed to be able to afford a pet and all the expenses that entails.

So why am I so special? Why do I have so much? Why was I blessed to be born in a first world nation?

I don't know why..but God in his… Continue

Added by Butter on July 24, 2008 at 11:00pm — 7 Comments

How Buttercup Performs The "Wave"

Many of you have been asking me how to train your Corgi to do the "Wave". First of all, we never trained Buttercup. He totally taught himself when he was younger. When we adopted him, he started doing it the first evening when I was chopping up vegetables for dinner. Every time I gave him a carrot, he would do it again.

We noticed that he would do it to get attention, as when my husband and I were talking and he felt left out of the conversation. It progressed to his improptu wave… Continue

Added by Butter on July 5, 2008 at 8:35pm — 2 Comments

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