Well, it has been about 5 months since we adopted Butter (9 year old Cardigan). Some of you may remember how I wrote in, wondering why he never made a sound. Many advised me to be thankful. However, it just didn't seem right. He came perfectly trained, like a little soldier or gentleman. He never made a sound.

At this point, my husband and I are pretty sure that he was prohibited from barking or making any sound where he was before. In fact, the previous owner told me she used high pressure water guns on barking dogs in her kennels; that would probably do it!

After about 3 weeks he started a high-pitched squealing which was quiet but annoying; he would do this as we got him ready to go for a walk. Over the next few months he started barking every now and then...he was never too confident about when or what to bark at. It was kind of funny, he would bark, then look at me to see how I reacted. In the beginning I just said "good dog" so that he wouldn't be afraid to bark.

As time went on, I have been helping him to distinguish when to bark and when not to...I think he is starting to get it.

We know he is really feeling comfortable because over the past few weeks he has started to make Corgi-like sounds. Low pitched arrrooorahs and play-growls as my husband chased him around. In fact, he even started to howl the other day. I love it when he stretches and makes long groans.

It is wonderful to see that he finally feels secure enough to be a dog and he has his own voice.

On a funny note...I saw "Beverly Hills Chihuahua" yesterday and at the end, Chloe (female star) finds her voice. So Butter is not alone in his personal growth. hahahah

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Comment by ChestersMom on January 5, 2009 at 7:17pm
Awwwww how sad that he wasn't allowed to speak. :o( Although, yes, Corgis have LOUD barks, and my Chester barks too much. My son came up with a great hand signal to get him to stop barking. OK, so the dog is 12 and is probably beyond his training years.........He won't stop barking totally, but at least we get a few minutes reprieve when he's feeling "barkity"
Comment by Anne on October 27, 2008 at 11:48am
Le-Le is the same. rarely makes noises and when she does bark it is when she is really happy. She looks right at me also. Slowly she is finding her voice and adventurous nature. She likes sticks now and get excited when I throw them for her. She has a new favorite toy that we play with a bedtime. For her it has been 8 months and I think we still have not seen the true Le-Le yet. So much fun seeing her grow more attached and happy. Still very scared of strangers but we are working on it.
Comment by Michelle on October 25, 2008 at 8:40pm
Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on October 19, 2008 at 11:19pm
Glad to hear Butter is comfortable with you to be able to use his voice. Butter should be allowed to
bark when appropriate, how nice he can do that now. : )

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