OK, I was walking Butter the other day and yet another nickname for Butter "popped" into my head. "Poppet" I was pretty sure it meant a small child and googled it and yes, it is a British term of endearment for small children or little ones. Also, more remarkeably, it is a name of a beach in Cardigan,Wales. Well...what could be more of a delightful lovename for my Cardian Welsh Baby.

I have already started teaching it to him. I say "Come, Poppet" with a British accent and he comes. Amazing, the intelligence of Corgis. If I say anything with enthusiasm and look into his eyes, he gets that I am calling him.

By the way, we only did teach him the 1st two syllablea of his new name of Buttercup. My husband balked at calling a 47 lb male Corgi "Buttercup" in public. I must say that when I took him to the Vet's and they asked his name and I told them I had changed it to "Buttercup", I too was a bit embarrassed by the look they gave me. So we left his name at Butter and then I developed Baby Butter and now Poppet. We are leaving Buttercup as his name on this site as to not further confuse the reader.

As I can only have one dog, it is great that I can develop new names for him to suit his and my different moods.

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Comment by Wendt Worth Corgi's on December 1, 2008 at 2:29am
My husband had a one of his workers over here and he kept calling my one pup "Poppet". LOL Wow..he wasn't too far off on that one.
Comment by Butter on September 18, 2008 at 2:42pm
Thanks for making me laugh, everyone!!! I don't feel as crazy (and alone) as I may actually be! hahahaha....
Comment by Ginny and Diggory on September 18, 2008 at 10:06am
Somehow Ginny has been morphed into "Vivian"... her full name is Dreams of Little Genevieve, that became Vivi, and now Vivian. Very bizarre.... but I think of Vivian as her alter ego, her evil twin who gets her in trouble because precious Ginny would never think to spill the trashcan or knock over glasses of water or tear up the toilet paper roll. That must be Vivian. And of course it is always said with that tone of voice that means business. And of course, there are a million other nicknames too, but those are all a little more endearing.
Comment by Stephanie & Lola on September 18, 2008 at 4:35am
haha I laugh when I think about you talking to Butter in the British accent. Lola knows all her names... Mama, Baby, Beluga, Piglet, Little one... the list goes on and on. The kids outside call her Rabbit because she hops around in the tall grass.
Comment by Arlette on September 18, 2008 at 12:05am
Joy, Don't feel bad!! Blaze is often "baby," "baze," "baze baze," or "corgimon." But I DO agree with you that they answer better when they think it's a game! :) Hope all is well with you - I am crazy with work and school. Lou says that he might need to take on another girlfriend just to have a woman at home - I think he misses all the home cooked meals!! :)
Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on September 17, 2008 at 11:09pm
I like Poppet!! How inventive! Yes, I believe they will answer to anything said with enthusiam because my daughter has so many nick names for Lance and he answers to all of them!!
Comment by Madog on September 17, 2008 at 9:17pm
LOL - When I would take my old GSD for a walk I would call out, "Walkies" like Barbara Woodhouse. He responded to the British accent and he was German.

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