So i have not been on in a while and so I thought I would post an update on Piper!  She is almost 18 weeks and growing like a weed.  She weighs about 13 lbs now!  The doctor said she might be a little bit on the smaller side, which is A-OK with me!  She is so well behaved it almost scares me haha.  She knows when I tell her no or to leave it she immediately stops what she is doing.  She's so smart.  Also potty training is about 90%!  The only accidents she has is when she is left in her big 5 ft pin that we got her for an extended period of time (which is very rare).  

I take her to the dog park almost every other day and she loves playing with other dogs.  And it wears her out too which is a plus!  She loves being at my feet which I have read many Corgis do and I love it.  I love having her by my side all the time.  I can tell she really has bonded with me.  

It's also really cool to see how her coloring is changing since she is a Tri.  I am thinking she's gonna be pretty much all blonde on the top because the black on her head is slowly starting to fade away.  She's so pretty!

I do have a couple questions though!  I have thought about getting her into training just to learn manners and the basics and to get her socialized, but she is already so well mannered with everything I have taught her I'm not so sure I need to.  Is it still too early to tell how her behavior will be at this point? Should I still start professional training with her?

Also how big were y'alls Corgis when they were about Piper's age? Do you think she will really be small for a corgi like my vet said?


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Comment by Miranda~ Moses | Maya | Maverick on September 17, 2012 at 7:13pm
Maverick is 13 weeks and is 10lbs now. I read on here many corgis were 8lbs at 8 weeks and gaining around a pound a week so I think based on those "averages" Maverick's on the small side too. I wouldn't be worried tho, as long as it's not an underweight issue [ie able to count ribs]. Better to be on the small side than to be overweight.. the health issues are just so many.

And yes.. still do puppy training. It is great for bonding and for asserting that although you guys are pals, there's no question who is in charge/the alpha of the pack. And it's also great to learn about yourself and the way YOU come across to your dog. That's what most obedience training is about -- training the owner to see how his/her actions are perceived by the pup. Plus, you can make some great playdate connections at group class. :-)
Comment by Zigward & Kimberly on September 16, 2012 at 10:21pm

Whoops.. Ziggy is FIVE. Forgot he had a birthday in August.. Derp!

Comment by Zigward & Kimberly on September 16, 2012 at 10:20pm

That's awesome :) I would still take her to training, if for no other reason than to get in extra socialization and bonding.

Ziggy is four and really well behaved (well, more so too lazy to be bad) but I definitely want to take him to basic obedience sometime in the (hopefully near) future :)

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