I am a very proud mama these days. I'm just very impressed with Owen and other dogs. He plays- he loves to play and always comes back a better dog! We went to the dog park today (we learned he only had to be 4 months!) and he was by himself and we played fetch for a bit. Then these awful little dogs.. I'm not sure what they were but they were tiny and yappy.. Well they were undersocialized and terrified of Owen. Owen was remarkable gentle with them and won them over.. by the end he taught the male to play with him. The female was still terrified.

He was also amazing with the pack of scotties at the scotty picnic we crashed! Just a little gentleman :). I wonder if it is our get over attitude with Owen. We don't really let him be a baby. If our neighbors three labs bark at him (amazingly well behaved dogs otherwise) and he tries to bolt to the door we don't go in and let him be afraid.

Also.. Owen goes up the stairs and down on his own now.. looks like we need another baby gate.. rats.. he gets more confident every day!

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Comment by Jenni & Dave Fields on September 22, 2008 at 11:31pm
keep it up owen!!! big dogs can be your friends!
Comment by Madog on September 22, 2008 at 9:40pm
He is so cute and mannerly. Good Boy.
Comment by Alla on September 22, 2008 at 8:23pm
Good boy Owen! Little gentleman is soon to be a grown-up one! :)
Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on September 22, 2008 at 7:01pm
Way to go Owen!!

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