Very Interesting about Obama & Corgi's

My boss came in yesterday telling me that she was listening to NPR radio and they were talking about Obama and how his daughter wants to get a dog but she is allergic. Then a caller called up and said "I will tell you what dog NOT to get, Dont get her a CORGI, they shed and if your a first time dog owner you might be able to handle them, they can rambunctious and bossy. I thought this was funny, because I am always talking about Wyatt in the office, everything is CORGI talk! I kind of agree with them but I absolutely love corgis and could never say no to getting one if the chance came my way.

Hope you all have a nice holiday, Wyatt is chewing up one of his Christmas presents as I write this. hahahhaha


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Comment by Nancy Geddes on December 27, 2008 at 5:54pm
I heard the interview while driving to work! It was great! Actually, if President Elect Obama wanted an effective household manager at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, a corgi would take on the job with panache. Truly, I hope that they will choose a dog that really needs a good home. I'd hate to see our sweet corgis become the next "boutique, gotta have it because I can" dog. Corgi woofs from Bear, Tasha and Linus
Comment by Lou Ann Lemaster on December 27, 2008 at 4:10pm
I also heard that one of the girls has allergies, so they are looking along the lines of a labadoodle. Of course, that's the rumor

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