Cheez-it had his second to last vet appointment today. Everything went well and she said that his inguinal hernia is looking like it has healed up on it's own. I was told that could happen and in his case it probably would. He got some shots (he hates them) and some new 10+ lbs advantage (which he needs). I keep finding random fleas on him once a day or so, but I have bathed him alot in the past month and I only notice a flea when he comes inside. I give him a good check-over through all his hair when I see one and clean the carpets and stuff. He has gotten so much energy in the last week, he's a maniac! His antics keep me entertained all day, and Sarah thinks his guinea-pig hair style (adult hair) coming in is all the rage in paris right now.

There are squirels outside, lots and lots of squirells, they keep to themselves but they arent to scared of the Cheez-police. They often sit there eating the whatever it is they find to eat within feet of him without budging. He is typically curious but never gets near them. Yesterday though, there was a little squirrel at the park that sparked his intrest. It was in some tall grass and he whined so loud and pulled the leash. I kept insisting he leave them alone until I heard the squirell bark. Yes thats right the thing barked then whimpered. I took Cheez-it away a little bit and tied his leash to a tree for a second so I could see what happened to this poor barking dog-squirrel in the bushes.

Here is what I found..

Clearly not a squirrel, or an injured dog, and in fact it didnt seem injured at all, I tossed a dog-biscuit down and he grabbed it and starting munching away. This little thing followed Cheez-it and I for the next hour, but it kept it's distance and Cheez-it kept his. Eventually we got in the car and the ferret came up to me and climbed my pant leg. I thought for sure I was about to get a case of the rabies, but she was actually very nice. I put her into Cheez-it's kennel and he rode shotgun.

She spent the night eating kibble and pooping in a tupperware of sand, I figured she would be trained as she was so well mannered. I kept her away from Cheez-it and left her in the kennel with one of the dog ropes I just got from target.

I took her to the vet with Cheez-it this morning, she has a microchip and we got her vet's number in Pensacola!! This thing made quite a journey, or got lost here or dumped? She is up to date on her shots and I was told that she is very young, probably around 4-6 months. Her name is "Cola" and the owner associated with her told the vet he gave her away. I am going to put her up on craigslist and in the pet-stores and see if her new owner finds her, if not, I have no idea what I am going to do. I got some ferret food today to hold her over, she really smells funny, but not skunk-smelly. Just dirty smelling, but I am hesitant to bath her because she could be mean and still may be diseased for all I know. The vet said she is up to date and healthy just hungry. If nobody comes for her I have no clue what to do?

Anybody in Florida want a ferret?

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Comment by Juel on June 7, 2008 at 5:12pm
It is amazing the adventures Cheez-it can find!
Comment by James on June 7, 2008 at 5:01pm
Cant say I havent considered it Charlie. Look at those nails! Those things havent been cut in months! No way I'm going to do it, I still havent cut Cheez-it's myself.
Comment by Charlie on June 7, 2008 at 4:57pm
I don't know. He looks kind of like a future "Cheez Whiz" to me. : - )

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