lol I know this is a Site of Corgi lovers but it bothers me how people act towards Pittbulls and i just have to vent a little.. for the past 8 1/2 years there has been a special boy in my life His name is Scrappy he is a 9 year old Pittbull .. I admit to some people his look is a little intimidating.. But... he is the biggest teddy bear in the world.. He has NEVER hurt anyone .. it just ANGERS me that people see a pittbull and automatically assume it is vicious.. since Ace came home last January.. Scrappy has been there.. he helped raise Ace... and it blows my mind someone would think he is vicious.. im sorry.. it just blows my mind... people get freaked when there is a Pittbull in the dog park... a dog only behaives as well as his owner trains him... I personally prefer the pittbull in the dog park then the Sharpei , Scottish Terrier, Yorkie or that certain jack russell... Because of peoples hate towards the breed... Poor Scrappy at Ace's party mostly stayed in his own corner of the dog park because or people not wanting him there.. i prefered that the mix breed that was there to be muzzled over scrappy.. it just bothers me.. ban the owner not the breed... 

Sorry... im very much a dog person and it bothers me when a breed is hated just because of human stupidity...  

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Comment by Zigward & Kimberly on November 13, 2011 at 2:29am

Oh my gosh, I know! I used to have a pitt named Ray and he was the biggest sweetest baby ever! He was scared of scary movie noises for pete's sake! Hid under the bed everytime they were playing. Anyhow, I was walking him once in this neighborhood, and I walked him past this one house and a little girl was playing in the yard.. She RAN inside! Went around the block one more time because it was like a circle-not a cul-de-sac, I don't know what to call it!-and she was back out. She RAN back in and this time her dad comes out and gets all huffy at me and tells me, "You need to get out of the neighborhood with that dog, my daughter isn't allowed around pittbulls." I was so freaking shocked and appalled that I just did what he said! It wasn't until I was already about twenty minutes away that I got really ticked off and wanted to go back and tell him it was America and that Ray was the sweetest thing ever and he could suck it that I could go anywhere I wanted with any breed I wanted, labeled ferocious and dangerous due to stupid ignorant dog fighters or not.

Poor Scrappy:(

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