Lol Class was a blast~ Ace decided two people he didnt like so he rrrr'd at them lol i think the reason why he didnt like the one girl was because she smelled like a German Sheppard.. Ace is intimidated by them.. since one rolled him down a hill when he was a puppy *out of play of course but ace still is cautious around them* its weird that he can distinguish breed.. lol though there was one exception to the GS fear and that was Sig at the pow wow play time this summer... and thats because there was a hose XD; so they shared a common interest and such LOL was funny watching a pittbull, german sherpard and corgi all attacking the hose XD;

but ya... back to school lol there was also the only other guy in class who Ace rrr'd at and that was because Evan had this huge bag on his back and ace was kinda scared of it XD

though once Evan removed the bag ace was all like 8D HI! lol

Rebeccah the girl ace was rrr'ing at managed to get him warmed up to her... lol i think its because he realized she wasnt gonna bite him XD;

Teacher loved him just like i thought she would.. and thats because she herself has 2 lol ;)

there was also another smaller dog there his name was Dui (dewey) a westie and Ace and him played and played  lol
Then there was the dark storage room we all went into (its a photography class) and I decked ace out in Glowsticks and played with my shutter speed with him and WOW.. imma have to do that more often... it came out pretty cool Ill upload them.. you cant really tell its ace because of the slow shutter speed.. all you see is cool glow lines that the little guy made by being his wiggly self LOL

I decided to leave two of the glow sticks on him as we walked home from class since it was dark and stuff lol we got home and he was like D: ok take em off now please?

lol Speaking of him he is currently passed out XD; 

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Comment by Harrison & Melyza on November 10, 2011 at 1:53pm

sounds like an awesome time! :D

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