So we finally got my puppy, Copper in for his exam. I walked in nervous and walked out ticked. We had a fetal and ear swab done as well as a comprehensive exam. Here are all the results that Copper has:
1. Flea dermatitis- Being bitten so much he now has a bad allergic reaction to them.
2. Ear mites- They weren't just present, it was a chronic infection.
3. Distended abdomen- His little belly was so swollen, of course, he had worms.
4. Chronic overbite- Not only will he always have trouble eating, his front teeth will never be clean, if we don't brush them daily he will have severe dental problems down the road.
And, the last and worst:
5. Sublaxivity of the hips- A positive sign of premature hip dysplasia.

When I called the breeder she was extremely uncooperative and never showed any concern for the pups health, just the money. I faxed the vet reports to her and she said she would give me a full refund for exchange of the pup,( not only do I live six hours away, but I know all she would do is turn around and resell it to someone who wouldst take as good of care of it) or half money back. Our vet bill was 295$. He was 400$. He will require serious surgery in a few months. When I told her this she told me I was the only one who ever complained about one of her dogs in ten years and that maybe she should have taken it to the vet before giving it to me. Which is where I lost it. I told her it was her effing duty as a breeder to make sure her pups were healthy. She said her vet would get with my vet and we will "negotiate Monday". What can I do to justify poor Coppers condition? He is screaming in pain everyday from medicine and whatnot and not only can I barely help him, we both shouldn't be going through this in the first place. Someone please give me advice.

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Comment by Cindi on May 7, 2012 at 10:35am

Sorry you're having to deal with this.  When we start out looking at puppies and breeders, so many of us just don't understand all that's involved with finding a good, responsible breeder.  And we learn expensive lessons, regrettably. As a trainer, I've been through this with clients on numerous occasions.  Thankfully, your little pup now has a loving home where Copper can have a fantastic life, even though the start was a bit auspicious.  Hug that little one tight!  Best of luck to you.

Comment by Melissa and Franklin! on May 7, 2012 at 10:31am

I would also check with animal control. It is illegal here in California to re-home puppies before 8 weeks of age, not sure the laws of other states. Also talk with your vet and local SPCA or shelters, breed rescue, AKC approved breeders, these people would be the ones to know who to contact. I don't mean to sound harsh at all, but in most cases there wont' be anything you can do because you didn't do your homework when buying this puppy. It'd be like me buying a broken TV off craigslist.....its my fault for not going through the appropriate source to buy my new TV. If it says in your contract you get 1/2 your money back, then take that and that's probably the most you can hope for. If the contract does not clearly state she will be paying your vet bill, then you probably won't get anything out of her. This is a perfect example of why you need to get a pup from a responsible breeder. I'd never heard of ACA, but doing a quick google search it looks like they do a lot of health tracking so definitely contact them, maybe they can pull her dog's registration

Comment by Brittany,Chancey,&Copper on May 7, 2012 at 10:17am
Yes Jane she was definitely a backyard breeder. I did get a bill of health and she is ACA registered so I will be reporting to them. She gave me the puppy when it was barely six weeks. I did ask plenty of questions but she lived so far away and I conveniently broke down before getting to her place so she brought the puppy to me. I did get the puppy checked within the 72 hours of the contract. I just want to make sure my pup gets some kind of justice for the misery he will have to endure now and in the future :(
Comment by Chris, Kadi & Brodie on May 7, 2012 at 10:14am

Definitely someone who does not know what she's doing. This is why homework is so important when getting a pup. I was so blessed to find someone close to us so we could visit her home, pick out the puppy early on, and keep in contact with her. Things can look great on the Internet, but seeing for yourself ahead of time is invaluable.

As far as what can be done to prevent this happening again, I would check into the state laws and city/county ordinances in play where the breeder lives. They vary greatly from place to place. Some are very strict, others are very lax. Being in Missouri, I live in 'The Puppy Mill State', so there are a lot of bad ones here. But there are also some very good ones. You just have to do your homework ahead of time to see what you are getting.

Comment by Jane Christensen on May 7, 2012 at 10:07am

Sounds like a backyard breeder in it for the $$$$ and you're right she probably would turn around and resell it. I would check his AKC papers and file a complaint against the woman with them and wherever else you got info from if possible. Do you have a puppy contract and vet wellness check? If you do then it should state that your vet and her vet should get in contact with each other and she should pay for some of those costs. Did you take him in within 48 hours? My contract states this and I verbally remind them to as Livvy had a hernia which maybe the breeders vet did miss but I did notify the breeder. Not that I would have given her back...but sometimes a thing could get missed but not all those. do you have a record of their worming and shots? This should have been provided...but then it probably wasn't I would guess. It's important to ask questions...  Sorry you have to go through this. Good luck!

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