To couch or not to couch.....that is my question.

 When we got Gwen,they had been allowing her on the furniture. We had discussed that we didn't think it was the best idea.

I know she's young enough to break of the habit,but those brown eyes.....

What are your opinons on this? Does jumping up and down on furniture put undue stress on them? I know they aren't china but would hate to think of putting her at any risk of injury,

When growing up with dogs they were always allowed on the furniture,until my mom's current house,now she doesn't let them on.


We had a vertiable zoo growing up but my mom was the main caretaker.

I'm sure this will be the first of many,many questions. I'm thankful there's a community here to help me be the best Corgi mom I can be.



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Comment by heather jones on February 24, 2013 at 9:17am

This is something we have struggled with too, I definitely don't mind our puppy getting on the couch but I had heard it could hurt their joints. We bought steps, he doesn't always use them but he uses them more and more as the weeks go by,  I think it is an individual decision, we have always let our dogs snuggle with us.

Comment by Teresa Gilpin on February 24, 2013 at 9:01am

I love having my babies close by.  I don't mind them on the furniture or on the bed.  I know a lot of people will disagree with me, but I don't think that this makes them mind less or think they are the boss.  We work together as a team and as a family.  We bought steps so they can get up and down the furniture with out jumping.  After a hard day at work, nothing calms me more then having my furbabies sit on my lap and look at me with those big brown eyes.  ( I think the fur on the furniture is a small price to pay for such love and affection!)

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