This doesn't have to do with my corgi...but I've been going thru some hard times lately as some of you know...It's been almost a month since my husband left me, after only being married for 2 months. Each day is a struggle for get up, go to work, and go home to an empty house (minus my pets). We started marriage counseling last night, and I'm trying to stay positive about it, and all I know is if I didn't have my darling Abby, my life would be hell. She will not allow me to be sad. She will bring me her toys, beg for a belly rub, start frapping about...and I find myself smiling with her. She's really living up to her name (means source of joy). When I start to cry, she licks my tears away and will cuddle into my arms. Her unconditional love is what I think really keeps me going day after day. On a positive note, I started ballet classes again at a dance studio by my house. I haven't danced in about 10 years, so I'm a bit rusty, but it's so relaxing (and will get my rear into shape), and I've met some nice new people...great for getting my mind off of the rest of my torments.
We all face different trials in our lives...whether they be physical, emotional, psychological...and I'm grateful I found this site...I've met so many wonderful people here...and we all share the same passion for our corgis. I'm not really sure where I'm going with this...maybe I'm just trying to count my blessings. And Abby is DEFINATELY one of them!!!

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Comment by Kelly on August 28, 2008 at 5:56pm
Wow, I'm newly married too, and I can't imagine what you're going through. I'm glad you have Abby by your side. I cried for the first time around gibson last night and he licked my tears and snuggled with me..made me cheer up and realize how much he already cares about me :)
Comment by Jenni & Dave Fields on August 28, 2008 at 5:05pm
its all going to work need to stay strong and take care of yourself! Abby is obviously your "fur angel"
Comment by Geri & Sidney on August 28, 2008 at 4:59pm
What would we do without our furry angels? Hang in there, kid. You'll be OK.
Comment by Juel on August 28, 2008 at 4:47pm
I am glad to hear you are doing as well as you can! I am glad to hear both of you are talking. I had always dream of dancing how much fun That must be! Maybe you and Abby can get matching tootoos :) hehehe

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