
I am new to my corgi, and I am hoping I am posting this in the right place.

Long story short, I have a 13 week old puppy and while she does learn pretty quickly, she is also stubborn! The biggest problem we are having is getting her to stop attacking our feet and ankles especially when we are walking. It really hurts, and the tradition techniques of trying to swap a toy out or yelling "ouch!" aren't working. This is especially distressing to my husband who fears we are going to have a terribly behaved dog we can't take anywhere with us and we are at our wits end! Please help! :-)

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Comment by Judith Andre on February 2, 2015 at 12:44am

Murray was awful as a puppy.  The thing I found that worked the best was LOTS of exercise.  He was a winter puppy too and we had a bad winter that year so it was hard.

Comment by susan on February 1, 2015 at 11:37pm
Besides being a puppy, it's part of her herding instinct. They do quit, but you will need to be consistent and patient. My puppy quit biting my feet before my husbands or sons. I did what Jane described. They just yelled at her and complained to me. I told them to wear shoes- it won't hurt so much. At 13 weeks there is a lot of teething going on too. Make sure there are a lot of appropriate chew toys to know on.
Comment by Jane Christensen on February 1, 2015 at 6:33pm

You both may have to be very consistent for a few days and wear 2 pair of socks...when I raised Corgis they lived in our bathroom off of our bedroom...try having 8-9 trying to chew on your feet! Haha!!!!

Comment by Hayley Roda on February 1, 2015 at 4:48pm

Thank you so much! I am glad I am not alone in this, maybe its not just us! The only thing is Jane, if we pay no attention and don't look after saying "ouch" she just keeps biting, in fact she will bark at us when we say ouch and go back to attacking!. So not really sure that one is working... :/

Comment by Jane Christensen on February 1, 2015 at 4:35pm

Yes, those tiny teeth do hurt! I would continue with the "ouch" not a toy BUT when you say "ouch" you turn the other way fold up your arms and give her absolutely NO attention. Don't look at her or turn around. Then when she has stopped wait a couple minutes and call her and give her attention when she comes. This way she learns to get attention for coming and doesn't get attention for biting. The nipping is normal for pups but she  as any other baby needs to learn the rules...it does work:) Believe me I have had many pups.

Comment by Jane T. (& Griffin) on February 1, 2015 at 1:05pm

Griffin did this, too.  It's a puppy thing.  I thought I had an aggressive dog.  Once his baby teeth fell out he quit nipping.  You're right--those little teeth hurt--they feel like razor blades.  Just keep on with his training.  It'll all come together in a couple of months.  He's still a baby.  Good luck!

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