Hello, everyone~ I just joined today! I have a 13-week-old Corgi female named Zoe. She's precious and we're having a little trouble with potty training her. I have read the posts about putting a bell on the door and have also read about the intelligence of the Corgis and how long it would take to figure out they could ring the bell to go outside and play..That was SO funny and SO true!!! I love watching Zoe roll those eyes up at me like she knows she's getting away with something like that. We do fine for a couple of days, then all of a sudden..BOOM...there she goes..pottying in the house again! So it's one step forward and three back! Any suggestions??? Also, her tail is longer than most, even though she is purebred. Just wondering if anyone else's Corgi does that...

Thanks for your input...

Zoe's mom

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Comment by Zoe'sMom on September 24, 2008 at 3:25pm
Well, since I'm home all day, she stays right by me in my office and I bring her out as soon as she is up in the mornings, after she eats or plays and then right before bed at night. She sleeps in her crate at night or when we are not at home at all but the problem we have is we will go outside and she roams around the yard, especially during the day, not do anything, then come back in after awhile and then do her business in the house. SOOO frustrating :(
Comment by Shippo & Koga Corgis on September 24, 2008 at 3:19pm
Welcome to MyCorgi! Are you using a crate, or tethering her to you, or is she roaming around the house?

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