Getting REALLY Pissed at Puppy Pad Routine

Ok so I am in serious economical budget cuts and Caesar picked up the worst time to be a brat. His new thing is to destroy puppy pads. Now the dog plays scavenger hunt everyday, has a gazillion toys but no.... his thing is to destroy the puppy pad and then pee wherever the puppy pad was before. Love him.... trying not to kill him now. I literally just changed his pad, grabbed a bite and came back to find it in pieces. So now he's grounded.

Just needed to vent....

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Comment by Josh on January 8, 2009 at 4:46pm
There is a small crate of puppy pads thats been sitting in my closet almost totally unused right now because Seamus decided to do the exact same thing from a very early age. I would come home and he would be rolling in shredded paper having proudly relieved himself in some entirely different area of the apartment. I eventually gave up on the things after becoming afraid he would move from ripping them up to eating pieces of the puppy pad. Finally we just began running him out to 'go' on a very set schedule and invested in a spot bot carpet cleaner :P
Comment by Laura Jones on January 8, 2009 at 4:44pm
lol, I totally understand. I also have a puppy who likes to shred the paper or puppy pad at night.

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