Another one has crossed the bridge...

My parents had to put down my first dog, Hazel Nut, the Westie this morning. In November she was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer that had set up shop in her nasal cavity. Towards the end she was just having so much trouble breathing, especially when she slept. We knew it wouldn't be long, but for the last few months they have been spoiling her rotten (which was well deserved), I know that she knows she was well loved by everyone who met her. While, I know this isn't necessarily a corgi story, I just thought I'd share with the mycorgi community. So hug your pups and give them all kisses for Hazel Nut. She was truly a wonderful dog, and I'm so happy that she can finally rest.

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Comment by Brenda and Gary on March 6, 2009 at 9:39pm
I'm sorry for your loss Carlie. Furry babies shouldn't have to have this dreaded disease.
Comment by Gus's Dad on March 6, 2009 at 7:46pm
I'm sorry for your loss. That's a wonderful picture of her. I'm sure that she was a special dog.
Comment by Marion and Vern on March 6, 2009 at 6:24pm
I am so sorry for your loss. This may not have been a corgi story but furry love is furry love it is not breed specific, they all have such big hearts and so much love to give. Your all in our thoughts.
Comment by Carlie on March 6, 2009 at 4:36pm
Thank you everyone, I really appreciate all your thoughts and kind words.
Comment by Kristen on March 6, 2009 at 3:25pm
I am so sorry for your loss. We will keep you all in our prayers. It is hard to lose these little bundles of unconditional love. We are so fortunate to be blessed by their short lives. We never have them long enough.
Comment by Sam Tsang on March 6, 2009 at 12:49pm
I am so sorry to hear that Carlie :(
Comment by DR, Nala & Simon on March 6, 2009 at 11:52am
I am sure she will be waiting on the Rainbow Bridge. You will be in our thoughts. Diana, Nala & Cosmo
Comment by Wendt Worth Corgi's on March 6, 2009 at 11:27am

So sorry to hear of Hazel_Nuts crossing. Your in our thoughts.

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