With the slowly approaching spring and summer months (finally, yay!) I was wondering what measures you take to keep your corgis from overheating? Vic and I are planning a road trip down to my hometown, in Georgia, and as any of you southerners know, it's incredibly hot and humid during the summer months. What do you do to help keep your corgis cool? Do you get them a special summer "haircut" and if you do, what do you ask for when you go to the groomer? Any suggestions, or comments are always welcome and appreciated.

Also, if there is already a thread on this topic, let me go ahead and apologize :).

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Comment by Eric P. on March 25, 2009 at 1:01pm
We have a Blue Merle Fluff that requires shaving every 2 months or so. She absolutely loves turning into the "Racing Corgi" afterwards. We don't shave her down to her skin; that's completely unnecessary. "Important Undercoat" / "Critical Insulation" aside, Misty has never once has any issue with grooming. Since we keep her inside with us, she's not exposed to nasty outdoor bugs or intense Sunlight (we live in Seattle anyway). There's no harm to shaving your Corgi if it's necessary, but I would only recommend shaving if you have a Fluff like we do. We do NOT shave our other Cardi's with normal coats. If you do decide to shave a normal coat, be aware that it will take a very long time to recover, if it recovers at all.



Comment by Alex on March 13, 2009 at 12:15pm
I usually have Dee Dee shaved every summer. She seems to enjoy the cold tile better... If you are driving down to GA, crank up your A/C. Also, when we travel in the car during summer time, we usually have a bottle of water frozen, and put it near the dog. She will lean on it, lick on it, and lay on it to keep herself cool. Just like FL, GA (as you may remember since it's your hometown) is very humid, and going in the shade doesn't change the fact that it's HOT. Give your doggy lots of water, and you can always wet their head to keep cool as well. Oh, and if you are flying, be aware of restrictions airlines put during the summer. Good luck!
Comment by Carlie on March 13, 2009 at 11:12am
Thank you guys!!! I really appreciate all your comments. I wasn't thinking of shaving Kiwi, just wondering if she needed a haircut. I guess being up in the north for two years has made me forget how I stayed cool down in Ga, :). Thanks again!
Comment by Melanie Stephan on March 13, 2009 at 11:07am
We shave our Sasha every summer. However we don't do it all the the way. We have her shaved on a 2 guard and it seems to work extremely well. Her fur grows back beautifully (if anything it is thicker and in better condition.) She had been shaved the last three summers and she does well. However, DON"T try to do it yourself. We did and she looked very silly. I will try to find one of the shaved pictures and post for you off my back up in the next few days, so you can see what she looked like. I have pictures of her at full shaved and the 2 guard. The only problem with the full shaved is they get very pokie and aren't fun to snuggle with.
Comment by Sam Tsang on March 13, 2009 at 11:04am
It can be quite hot down here in Florida, since corgis have a double coat, it provides them insulation. (think middle east) We don't shave them because it will expose their skin to the harsh sun, plus putting sunblock on is no fun :) What you can do is keep them hydrated, keep them in the shade, stop often and wet them (especially the underside to keep their core temperature down.
Comment by Sam on March 13, 2009 at 11:00am
I would not shave your corgi under any circumstances. I've seen lots and lots of people holding negative views on it and sharing the information on how important their undercoat is. It protects them from insects and the sunlight. I would say your best bet is to just make sure they always have fresh water and if they are active and need to cool down getting their belly wet is the best way to cool them down since there isn't an undercoat there. Remember that even if you did decide to shave your corgi that the sun, heat, and humidity of the south could still be too much for them.
Comment by Michelle on March 13, 2009 at 10:06am
We do not clip our corgis. They are highly aclimated to our heat and love being outside. Matter of fact our female has darted to the door evertime we even get up to do anything this week. We have had a beautiful week of 70+ degree weather with low humidity.

We have a very shady back yard - Large oak trees that afford our two break from the glaring sun and we keep fresh water outside for them. I am able to go home for lunch each day so I generally let them in around 1:00 pm. We limit walking during the hot part of the day but in general our two love, love, love summer. Hanging on the patio and cooking out---life is good! ^-^
Comment by Susan Stanton on March 13, 2009 at 10:02am
There are several discussions about trimming corgi hair, like this one. A lot of people feel that the double coat is an insulator agains heat as well as cold, and should not be trimmed. I live in CT and we have some pretty hot humid weather -- I just take it easy with them outside and make sure they have plenty of water, even a little kiddy pool to splash in and shady spots. My big Corgi, who has a really hefty thick coat, loves a good AC!
Comment by Abbea and Vivi on March 13, 2009 at 9:03am
Some people have their corgi's body fur (including furry behind) shaved in the summer months. I believe their fur usually grows back just fine but I also heard that it sometimes doesn't. I haven't seen any pictures or anything of a corgi with this problem though. I found a video on Youtube of what it looks like. I don't know whose video it is, just a random one.

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