Well, Vic has finally talked me into it, we're getting Kiwi a little brother. *Sigh*, I don't know what I'm getting myself into, I'm nervous about how Kiwi will react, how much our lives will change having two of these crazy animals, but Vic has reassured me that everything will be fine...

Either way, we've emailed the breeder (about a month ago) and told her that we'd be interested in a male, tri, in early July, if at all possible. She emailed us back yesterday and told us that it's looking like she has two male tri's and one of them will definitely be a pet, ready to go in early July. So...here we go again...just a little over a year ago we were picking up Kiwi and completely clueless, I'm hoping that knowing what we're getting ourselves into will at least help a little :). We have already picked a name..."Orzo." If you've ever seen what orzo looks like, it's a tiny and compact pasta noodle...perfect for this compact little breed :). So wish us luck with Kiwi and Orzo, I have a feeling our lives are about to become a little more hectic....

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Comment by Carlie on May 3, 2009 at 4:42pm
I love hearing everyone's success stories :). Keep them coming!
Comment by Bev Levy on May 3, 2009 at 4:39pm
We brought our first sibling home to Sparty when he was a year and a half. She was 9 weeks old. We have it on video, it looked like we had brought him a great present! He was so happy and then he rolled on his back so she could jump on him. Even though he is a very dominant dog she ruled the roost until she died at only 6. Izzy our next puppy was 3 months when we got her and he does great with her too. It does work better when the new one is a puppy. We added the grand dog (doberman) she is 7 and it has taken some work. They do well now but I doubt if Sparty will ever play with her. Izzy was only 2 when Misty came and she plays with her all the time.
Comment by Sherry, Doug, Rocky & Bonnie on May 3, 2009 at 11:48am
Congrats to you all!! We just got our second Corgi. We wanted another dog for some time, but Rocky was just not going for it. His personality changed so much becoming such a dominant dog. We feel it is because all of the other dogs we tried were adult rescue or friends dogs we were taking care of. We found a cute female Corgi puppy and he has become the model older brother. Not being jealous or pushy when we play with Bonnie and he is so gentle with her. It is truly amazing! We wish we had tried it sooner. Have fun & don't forget to post some pictures!
Comment by Carlie on May 3, 2009 at 10:54am
Yes, yes, yes...and YES. Kiwi has been socialized since she was about 9 weeks old (she started in puppy kindergarten as soon as we got her and then moved onto obedience, and she frequents the dog park on a regular basis). Her temperament is very solid, I can pretty much predict when she won't be comfortable in a situation, or when she is a little nervous or very comfortable. We have been working on her "sharing" her toys with other dogs, because as we all know, corgis don't always share very well. So we've been really, really trying to help her with this...however, I do realize that she will need continued practice once the puppy does arrive, we're ready to keep up with this. Yes, as far as the feeding goes, we have discussed that we will leave Kiwi's bowl where it is, so as to not disrupt too much of her routine, but with the new puppy we will feed him either in the living room or his new crate. Other than those issues, Kiwi is a sweet dog, she's still young, so of course she still needs reprimands and reminders, but overall, she obeys very, very well. We are pretty strict with everything she does...eating playing and all of that, so we feel comfortable taking on another pup. We definitely wouldn't be doing this if we did think all 3 of us could handle it. Thanks for your kind words and advice everyone!
Comment by Sam on May 3, 2009 at 10:47am
Has Kiwi had continued exposure to other dogs? Is he well socialized? Does have have a solid temperament? Are you able to offer him appropriate exercise? If you can say yes to all of these questions then you will do just fine! Biggest piece of advice I like to offer anyone that may be considering owning more than one corgi is to always feed them in their crates or separate locations. While some folks do manage to feed them in the same location I do find this is often the first issue one will have. Best of luck to you.
Comment by Nicola Porter on May 3, 2009 at 10:06am
Like we say, you can't just stop at one corgi.
Comment by Sam Tsang on May 3, 2009 at 8:33am
Congrats Carlie and Vic! I'm sure y'all will do just fine :)

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