So yesterday (3/17) was a very sad day for us. It was time to say goodbye to our beloved Cobi. Cobi would have been 12 on June 17th this year. We will miss him terribly. He was always such a trooper and such a tough little guy, dealing with epilepsy for about 9 years and then recently degenerative disk disease which took the use of his back legs from him, but he plugged along with the use of a wheeled cart for outside and scooting wherever he needed to go inside. Then about 6 weeks ago we started to notice a change in him and he started having more difficulties getting around in the house and his attitude was changing, he seemed depressed. So then these past 2 weeks it was getting progressively worse where he wouldn't even scoot in the house, sleeping 95% of the time and not being able to support his front end either when he was in his cart. He just looked at us with those sad eyes, seeming to say to us..... "you guys I'm just so tired".

So Cobi is up in doggy heaven playing fetch with his favorite tennis ball, running pain free with no wheels, and bossing everyone around as corgis love to do. I am cying as I am writing this, as I am sure all of you know. The house is so empty without you, Love you Cobi.

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Comment by Sam on March 18, 2009 at 9:21pm
My warm thoughts and deepest sympathies are being sent your way. God Speed dear Cobi. I know the bridge will let you be seizure free and have legs that will let you run through the glorious fields over the rainbow. Know he will be met by many that have left this earth before him. Cobi is a luck lad to have such a loving family.
Comment by Carmen on March 18, 2009 at 9:04pm
I'm so sorry! My thoughts are with you during this time of grief.
Comment by John Wolff on March 18, 2009 at 8:27pm
When you love someone, it doesn't have to be forever.
Maybe it is anyway.
Comment by Anne on March 18, 2009 at 8:15pm
Brings tears to my eyes also as I know how it is to loss a beloved companion. He will always be with you and remember all the funny lovable things. So sorry for your loss......
Comment by Tracey on March 18, 2009 at 8:12pm
Awwww I am so sorry for your loss, sounds like he was a very brave fellow! I know he will be missed greatly!
Comment by Cindi on March 18, 2009 at 7:38pm
Gail, you have my most heartfelt sympathy on your loss of Cobi. It's little solace when the pain is so raw to know your beloved corgi is playing on the other side of the Bridge. But know in your heart of hearts, he understands just how very much you loved him. I would guess, since Cobi was a ball-lover, that my Rudy is chasing right behind trying to take that ball away! I hope Cobi's giving him a piece of his corgi mind! Prayers for you during this difficult time.
Comment by Gus's Dad on March 18, 2009 at 7:37pm
Gail, I'm sorry for you loss. But I know Cobi was a very lucky dog to have somebody that took as good a care of him as you did.
Comment by Cathy on March 18, 2009 at 7:32pm
I am so sorry about Cobi. I lost my best friend/pet companion of 20 years the day after Christmas, and it has helped me a little to realize that the depth of my grief reflects the depth of my love for her. Though your sorrow is unique, everyone who has ever loved, been loved by, and had to say goodbye to an animal is with you. You are not alone. And neither is Cobi. Surely he is surrounded by all of the beloved pets we have all said goodbye to. What a wonderful group to be a part of!
Comment by Denise on March 18, 2009 at 6:47pm
I am so sorry for your loss. Rest in peace, Cobi.
Comment by Lisa on March 18, 2009 at 5:59pm
We are so sorry you had to say goodbye. No matter how long we have them, it never gets any easier to let them go. Rest in peace sweet Cobi.

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