On Tuesday Emma woke us up at 6 am (which she never does) by whining and crying. I got up and let her outside and she had liquid diarreah. I gave her a little bit of Pepto Bismal once every hour an half until she stopped having to go every half hour. The next morning she threw up twice in the living. it was all foamy.I waited an hour and she didn't do it again but I had to go to work for a few hours. When I got home my boyfriend told me she had thrown up again. That night she got worse. She was throwing up every half hour but nothing was coming out, she wouldn't eat or drink, and at this point had not had a poo all day. She wa also becoming more and more lathargic, she wouldn't leave her crate. I didn't want to go to an emergancy vet unless I had too, so I had her sleep next to me and I woke up every half hour to check on her. Thursday morning at 7 am I headed straight to the vet. At this point she coun't even hold her head up. The vet took her temp and it was at 104, which is high for a dog (100 is normal). The vet thought she may have swallowed something, so x-rays were taken. The vet could not tell if anything as in there because she had so much influmation. They decided to keep her over night and give her antibiotics and fluids because she was so dehydrated. The next day the vet called and told me that the temp was still at 104 and had abdominal pain and wanted to open her up. I agreed. They didn't find anything! My poor baby is only 6 months old! Today the Vet called and told me that she seems perkier and her temp went down to 102... still high but better.She will be there at least until monday.

All I want is for her to be better. The vet has no idea what she has. He can only say she mioght have some sort of bacterial or viral infection. Jack Is healthy and at home but searches the house for Emma. Has anybody else had a silmular problem?

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Comment by Kathryn Johnson on July 18, 2009 at 3:36pm
This sounds terrible! I don't know what i would do if Benjamin was this sick! I am praying for you and i hope everything turns out for the absolute best!

"Happiness is a warm puppy. ~Charles M. Schulz"
Comment by Owen's Mom on July 18, 2009 at 3:34pm
It is super scary! Owen got really sick and was puking all weekend on time. I called my uncle who is a vet and did an over the phone exam... we waited and went to the vet on Monday. Owen got some antibiotics. He probably ate something he shouldn't have at the dog park or got a virus.
Comment by Bev Levy on July 18, 2009 at 2:52pm
I hope it is not too serious! Maybe just a virus that antibiotics will take care of. It is awful having a sick doggie. Good luck.

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