We lost our beloved Ollie last Friday morning. He was hit by a car after a crazy chain of events. Our daughter's first day back at school, so everyone was busy in the morning and a door got left open without anyone noticing. Our Scottie Angus loves to go down our long, long driveway (we live on 5 acres surrounded by cornfields and soybean fields!) and out onto the road to go visit the neighbors so we always put him on a tie-out if we aren't out with him. Ollie followed Angus down to the road and got hit. The person who hit him didn't stop but 2 wonderfully kind men did stop and helped Ollie and Angus and came and told us Ollie was hit. They told us when they came onto the scene, Angus was pacing back in forth in the middle of the road in front of Ollie as if to protect him. Dogs are so amazing! We rushed to the vet but Ollie's injuries were so severe he didn't make it. We are all so sad and very heartbroken about Ollie's death and miss him so much. Angus is even sad, not wanting to come out of his crate or play since last Friday. We are wondering if we should try and get a new puppy right away or wait. Will the new puppy help heal our broken hearts or will we compare the puppy to Ollie too much and will the new puppy just not measure up since Ollie was such a perfect dog with the most amazing, sweetest personality ever? Ollie was our first Corgi. We've only had Angus and Chester, a Westie, over the past 23 years and we couldn't believe how sweet Ollie was. Terriers were always my favorites but they are typically not what you would call sweet, but endearing because of their naughtiness and spunk! We would love to have another Corgi but wonder if it is too soon or not. Any ideas from others who have experienced a similar loss?

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Comment by Cindi on August 25, 2009 at 9:01pm
Renae, I'm so sorry for your loss! My heart goes out to you. On Thursday, we have to put down our 14.5 year old. It's never easy to lose a friend regardless of how or when. Listen to your heart. Allow yourself to grieve. You'll know when it's time to look for another corgi friend.
Comment by John Wolff on August 25, 2009 at 7:56pm
So sad. We lost Siri to a sudden accident, only 7 years old. I remember so many details of that night every time I look at the rear-view mirror on our car door, because I was repairing that when it happened. It was really painful for Lori especially, who had such a close connection with Siri.
I'd wait awhile before getting another dog. Settle down a bit first, so your next family member will be there just for themselves in their own right, not as a replacement for somebody who's gone.
That said, Gwynnie came to us barely 3 months after Siri had to leave.

Comment by Jane Christensen on August 25, 2009 at 7:50pm
So sorry for your loss...I know how you feel as it seems many who have written do too! Between 4 and 6 years ago I lost 2 dogs in two years after losing my cocker who was over 16......the 1st time I waited and actually after loosing the 3rd...I decided quickly to get my 1st Corgi...and for me that was the best thing I ever did...except for getting more corgis...I still cry over all my dogs when I read something like this and have my pictures around...but just watching them grow and learn things, I don't think I ever compared them...because they're your new companion and bring new joy to you!!!
Comment by Wendt Worth Corgi's on August 25, 2009 at 7:41pm

How heart breaking. I'm so sorry for your loss. Accidents happen so don't beat yourself up to badly. Whether or not to get a corgi is completely up to you and your family. You can never ever replace Ollie but you can add brighter days and new memories. Each family is different...some might wait a year and others find a new love immediately. My # 1 phone call for pups is because they've had a Corgi that has crossed the bridge. They cry on the phone telling me their stories and its really sad. I wish you the best of luck in your search and deciding when the right time is.
Comment by Jeny (and Wrigley) on August 25, 2009 at 6:32pm
I'm so sorry for your loss. :(
Comment by Queenie and Chico on August 25, 2009 at 6:28pm
We are so sorry for your loss. I hope your happy memories of your Ollie will help heal your heart. I think it is fate that the breeder you got Ollie from has a litter ... I really hope you can get another corgi, because we all know what amazing dogs they are..... Best wishes
Rosanne, Queenie and Chico Bear.. :-)
Comment by Renae J Ekstrand on August 25, 2009 at 6:15pm
Thank you all for your compassionate words of care and kindness. I am tearful as I write this but am thankful for people who understand the loss and heartache and offer their support. Like you Kristen, my daughter thinks we should get a little girl next if we do get another Corgi so it won't be so easy to make comparisons. My two terriers were boys and I just loved their personalities so much and Ollie was so wonderful, I'm afraid a girl will be different! I just found out the people we got Ollie from have another litter of 5 week olds. It might be fate or karma - but maybe we need to go see them.
Comment by Bev Levy on August 25, 2009 at 6:09pm
I am so sorry for your loss! We lost our corgi, Buffy, at only 6. She had been ill but she deteriorated very quickly. I was heartbroken and felt cheated that we lost her so soon. I decided to call around and get on the list for a puppy. Well, the first breeder I called said she just happened to have a 4 month old puppy that might be perfect. She also had a litter planned for later in the year. So we went out and it was love at first sight when we saw Izzy! She is a special little lover and although it was probably a little quick (it was three days) I have not regretted it for a moment. Sparty our older corgi was OK with her but it was probably a good six months before he played with her. I will never forget Buffy and have shed many tears over her but a new pup really helped me get over it. I am sure whatever you decide will be the right thing so go with your heart.
Comment by christy fry on August 25, 2009 at 6:01pm
so sorry for your loss, puppy kisses to you
Comment by Kristen on August 25, 2009 at 5:50pm
My deepest sympathies. It has been three years and I still grieve over losing Basil so unexpectedly. He was the best dog I have ever had. There is something about that first Corgi. Lizzie did go through a period of depression after his death and even after getting Fergie several months later she was a bit curmudgenly...after all it was not Basil. Give yourself a little time. I made sure my next Corgi ws a little girl. I was worried like you are that I would compare a new Corgi to Basil and thought if it was a girl I would be less likely to do that. I never really did, but now and then I see Basil in my little Fergie and it only makes me smile. I still cry over him, but having loved a dog it seems to open your heart to another. The timing is what seems right to you. Be assured a new puppy will wriggle his way into your heart in his/her own unique way. Angus will miss the companionship and he will give you signs. Good luck to you. My heart aches for you at your loss. All the best.

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