I having been trying to get a corgi for ever, and once I found a breeder through a friend, I was finally about to get one. Wynstan will be here on Nov 28th.

But I am very surprised that there is a website like this. I was glad to see a wealth of knowledge on here. Thank you all for the warm reception.

Just one more thing. What should I expect from my little furry bundle of joy on the first day here?

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Comment by Jane Christensen on October 26, 2009 at 11:39pm
Well you'll want to keep things as calm as can be. Just let little Wynstan smell around and get used to the place and take him out often to go potty. He'll sleep alot and just be there with him till he settles in.If you're going to crate train him (I would recommend this) have it ready( blanket and some good puppy chew toys and let him get used to it and put him in there for his naps. It will be soooo fun!

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