I've waited my whole life to finally be in a place where I could afford a corgi, and have a home with a yard big enough I feel to accomodate one. I found an awesome breeder, and the pups are due in 2 weeks....I have first pick and I'm soooo excited. So whats the problem??? i don't have any kids, I'm 29 years old and found out last week, I'm gonna have a human baby too!!! I'm due in late November. My question is will I have enough time and energy to give to my puppy, or do you think I should wait till a later litter is available. Both are new ventures for me and I don't want either to be neglected because I took on too much. I'm a great multitasker, but just wanted everyones take on what I should do?

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Comment by Katie and Yuki on March 30, 2010 at 1:35pm
I also agree with not waiting by the time you have your baby you will already have a little practice being there for your puppy every minute of the day. Plus when you have your baby your pup should be almost independent. Im still raising my pup, she was born mid January, and shes already very smart and....50% trained. You'll be tired but I'm positive it will be worth it ^_^
Comment by Jane Christensen on March 30, 2010 at 12:48pm
I wouldn't wait...I think there's some discussions on here about this! How exciting! Congratulations on both babies! You should have a few months to get the pup trained before adding you 2 legged bundle of joy!

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