Kristin & Archie
  • 44, Female
  • Jamestown, NY
  • United States
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Kristin & Archie's Friends

  • Tris & Jeanne
  • Ella and Lily
  • ♥ Kobi, Angel Kazi  & Kiya♥
  • Monica, Orion, and Laika
  • Bruce Plantz
  • Carla
  • Cody
  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan
  • Carol Rea

Kristin & Archie's Discussions


Started this discussion. Last reply by Rebecca Marie O'Bryan Jun 27, 2011. 13 Replies

Hey Everyone. Its been quite a long time since I've been on. I had my little girl March 29th and all is well. We named her Kynzie Grace and Archie loves his new little sister. The reason for this…Continue

Tags: SHEDDING....AGAIN!!!!!!


Started this discussion. Last reply by Jane Oct 22, 2010. 9 Replies

Wondering what size wire crate you guys use for your adult corgis? Archie is 27 lbs, 26 inches from nose to nub, and his cage is 30in long by 19 in wide. When he has to be in it for any length of…Continue


Started this discussion. Last reply by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) Nov 9, 2010. 35 Replies

When I got Archie he was completely crate trained. He enjoys his crate, and never gives me a bad time about going in there. I've kept him with the same procedure with which he was raised, crate…Continue


Started this discussion. Last reply by Lindsey Corkern Oct 3, 2010. 7 Replies

Hey Everyone. I can't remember who it was that I heard refering to peroxide as a smell eliminator/cleaner, but I'm still having problems with my old lab/mix Caleb peeing in the house. I have fairly…Continue


Kristin & Archie's Page

Profile Information

Jamestown, New York
About Me:
Pem. welsh corgi lover forever, currently own 3 cats & 2 dogs, lab/border collie mix, and my new addition, Archie.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Archie, a fawn and white pembroke welsh corgi, who is the most sensitive, laid back, easy going furbaby you'll ever meet
I have:

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Kristin & Archie's Blog

Cleaning Floors?

Posted on July 19, 2010 at 10:26am 1 Comment

We put in our carpet 3 yrs ago, and I've never had to clean it. It's held up very well. But I've decided that with 3 cats and now 2 dogs I'm gonna do it before fall gets here. I don't want to use harsh chemicals, I'm sensitive to alot of things, and I'm sure there not good for all of my furbabies. What does everyone recommend as far as carpet cleaning? Commercial, or DIY? If commercial, what companies? If DIY what machines and products?



Posted on July 16, 2010 at 8:38am 3 Comments

Archie has never been on flea control. His breeder said she's never had a flea problem. About a week after I brought him home I found a couple on him, so at his first visit with my vet I got him some. I've always used Advantage with Caleb and had great results. Well the vets office switched from carrying Advantage to this new kind called Vectra. It is very strong smelling, and ever since I put it on him he's been itching (or should I say trying to itch) he can't reach his back very well.…


Snap Pea Shells

Posted on July 9, 2010 at 4:24pm 3 Comments

Hey Everyone. At work we usually have raw vegie treats every day, it's the season for snap peas. We've been givin Archie the long shells that the peas are in. Then I thought about it, are they OK for him, and does someone have a list or a link for things we shouldn't feed them. Chocolate is obvious, but aside from that? THANKS KRISTIN


Posted on July 7, 2010 at 10:33am 4 Comments

Today is Archies 6th day with us, and everything couldn't be going any better. He's getting along great with my first pooch, Caleb, and has adjusted very well, especially being 1 1/2, and having such a big life change. My only concern is that he's so sensitive and mellow, that if my cats even look his way he runs and hides in a corner. He'll chase, FRAP, run and play with the dog, but is deathly afraid of the cats. none of them have done anything to him except try to sniff him from a distance,… Continue

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At 11:54am on January 11, 2011, Joanna, Rainy and Calvin said…
Happy Birthday!!  It should be a lucky one 1-11-11!!
At 8:48am on January 11, 2011, Bev Levy said…
Happy Birthday!!
At 12:39pm on August 3, 2010, Joanna, Rainy and Calvin said…
Archie is adearable!! Up here in Clarence, there are several corgis that live nearby. My hope is to someday all get together. There have been suggestions for a corgi contingent in the Labor Day Parade. Is that something Archie could handle? Don't know if it will happen, but there are a few of us who would like to try! I hope you and Archie are enjoying the WNY summer!!!!
At 1:55pm on July 28, 2010, Carol Rea said…
Kristin, how large is Caleb? The peekeeper did not fit Lucky (they only go to size med) so I am just going to keep on with the bellybands and try to make a peekeeper of my own! Just thought I should let you know before you order one, Lucky is a 30# corgi, around 18" long. The peekeeper people will make one to your dogs size for extra $15, I think I will try my own! Carol
At 1:35pm on July 27, 2010, Tris & Jeanne gave Kristin & Archie a gift
At 1:09pm on July 27, 2010, Carol Rea said…
Kristin. I got mine free, from another member of wheelcorgis. I went into the wheelcorgi file to see if there was a link, all it said was search bellyband or male wrap - mine is a poochpad, the velcro is VERY strong on it I can barely get it open, it has a strange smell - I have washed it 4 times and cannot get rid of it. I don't know if it came with the smell or if it came from the house of the lady who sent it to me! (just a warning) Lucky does not mind the smell, or the bellyband. Good Luck!
At 11:53am on July 27, 2010, Carol Rea said…
sorry about the mix up! hope Archie doesn't follow in Caleb's footsteps, so to speak. another successful night with the bellyband, the commercial ones much better than ones I tried to make having never seen one! now I know what one looks like, I can make a better one.
At 1:55am on July 27, 2010, Carol Rea said…
Kritin, I think that as long as you let Archie know you still love him and don't make a big deal of his problem it will help. I know that Lucky pees even more when my son or husband yells at him for accidents he has no conrol over. I found a way to get the belltband on last night with a heavy duty diaper, he peed in the diaper and seal walked to the door before before he lost the whole kitten kaboddle! Good luck!
At 2:40pm on July 26, 2010, Bev Levy said…
Love the photo with the visor!
At 9:09am on July 24, 2010, Carol Rea said…
Kristin, I posted about peeing because I live with a pee problem at our house. Then I came to your page...I love the visor!! I would not worry about a few snap peas, is that what they told you? My 2 love them. And...Lucky is very with it, he will leave bellyband, wrap on at night, no problem - maybe he knows it will come off with his seal walking! GOOD LUCK!

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