Hey Everyone. Its been quite a long time since I've been on. I had my little girl March 29th and all is well. We named her Kynzie Grace and Archie loves his new little sister. The reason for this post is that I've bathed, brushed, furminated, given linatone shed relief as directed on the bottle, and still... everytime Archie even shakes, a handful of hair falls off him... HELP!!!!!!! Especially with a new baby in the house his hair is driving me INSANE, its all year long and it just wont quit.

                                            THANKS,   KRISTIN

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Congratulations on your new baby! My daughter has 2 huskys and swears that the splurge on a proffesional grooming holds the shedding in check for a long time. If $ is tight maybe you have one of those "do it yourself " places that furnishes the sink and blow dryer. A brush out with a doggy blow dryer helps.

Thanks Bev. Every 2 weeks I give him a bath and I have one of those doggie blow dryers that blows air really hard, I also furminate and brush every 2-3 days? Maybe I just need to learn to live with it. I just cant believe he's not bald!!

Hi Kristin, a bath every 2 weeks is too much, it may dry out the coat, I'll cut back on the bath frequency and add a teaspoon of oil with the kibble.

Are you talking about the Salmon oil referred to by Matt, Winnie, & Edmond?

Corgi's and fur just go together.  Our two leave about a dog's worth every day. If there is something out there I have not found it yet.  Like the ole saying; you wear you Corgiand food just isn't the same without some fur!!!
I've heard a professional groom can help, but nothing is going to stop a corgi from shedding completely.
Kristin, have you tried Salmon Oil? I have heard good things, and as Winnie is getting a thicker coat as she gets older I am thinking about trying it. They have stuff called Grizzly Oil, it'd meant for dogs and makes their coats shine as well.
No Matt I havent, I will though, and keep you posted. Do you know where I can get "Grizzly Oil"?
I have seen it at a petsmart and there are plenty of places online here I get you can get it cheap, Amazon especially!
Thanks a bunch.

Wear spandex lycra tights and a wool sweater when you comb the dog; that way all the hair sticks to you and doesn't get on the floor.  Go outside when the neighbors aren't looking, take them off, and burn them.  Simple.

I was wondering why *my* dog doesn't shed, until Al started blowing his coat Saturday.  A blizzard.  Half his hairs jumped off all at once.

Good idea John. Thanks!HAHA


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