After a six and a half hour drive through torrential rain and flooding (eek), I arrived in Texas to find eleven very beautiful puppies (there are two litters)! The mothers and father were both on site and were they too were very stunning. I was able to narrow down the field to five puppies because I wanted a male. There were two tri's, a fluffy, and two red/whites. It came down to the two red and whites, but after that the decision was impossibly difficult. One was a little more rambunctious and playful; while the other was a little quieter, but still active. Since Oakley prefers her playmates to be a little more relaxed, I decided to go with the quieter one. I brought Oakley out and she seemed to enjoy the puppies and had no quarrels. The drive home was incredibly long and tiresome (it was raining again). Griffen was really good; He slept in his crate and only needed to be let out a few times. Upon arriving home we played for a bit and settled in for the night.
This morning brought a little more aggression from Oakley. She is protective of her toys (many of which she has NEVER chewed on) but seems to be fairly agreeable with him. One thing did concern me though. When they went out to the backyard Oakley started to jump up and down in his face, kind of a bounce around. Then they "wrestled" for a bit and Oakley knocked him over with her front paws. She was growling like she does when my husband rough houses with her. Is this play or is it aggression? Is it part of the acceptance process or something I need to worry about?
The cat doesn't seem to think too much of him. And he's not such a fan of her either. He barks and howls at her and she returns his vocals with some of her own. Maggie will come around though.
Griffen is 14 weeks old and his ears aren't up yet. I'm going to go to the store later today and tape them up.
Overall, the transition has gone alright so far (it's very early in the game). We are pretty pleased with our two corgi household.

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