A Serious Case of the Up-Downs

Griffen has continued to be AMAZING. He has only had a few accidents in the house; which are SUPER easy to clean up due to tile floors. Oakley has taken to him quite well. There are a couple dogs in the neighborhood who bark pretty furociously at Oakley and Griffen. Oakley's normal reaction would be to fluff up, let out a few low growls and move on. But now she has Griffen to protect. Now whenever we pass them Oakley fluffs up and barks back. I've NEVER heard Oakley bark like this. Then when we get past them she'll look back in a concerned way as if she's asking him if he's alright. It's quite cute. Heck, even the cat is starting to come around. I caught Griffen giving her a facial this morning. Maggie didn't really seem like she was enjoying it but it was a huge step up from the growling and hissing!

Griffen's ears are playing a game of up and down. I taped them for the breeder's recommendation of four days. When I took the tape off the left ear stayed up but the right didn't. So I taped the right ear again. Then the left ear started drooping again but shortly righted itself back up. I figured I would tape them both for a few more days and see where that gets us. It's pretty funny to see his ears flopping up and down when he's running full blast.

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Comment by Arang&Mark on May 12, 2008 at 6:32pm
what a pair of cuties! i didnt know their ears went down...i thought after they perked up they just stayed up.
Comment by Parker on May 12, 2008 at 5:39pm
Awww, sounds like a great little family in the making! Good luck with the ears. Grover's ears did the up and down game too for a few days when we first got him and now they are just as tall and big as any other Corgi's!
Oh and my dog loves to give our kitty facials too. It sometimes turns into a wrestling match, but other times, the cat just endures it! :)

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