Kate's Blog (6)

Continued Bliss

Griffen and Oakley continue to be good buds. I do, however, have a few questions about puppy behavior.

-Griffen is considerably more boisterous than Oakley was. How can I encourage him to be less talkative? I don't mind some barking and I know corgis can be a bit barky but his is a bit excessive.

-We go to the park on base twice a day. I let him and Oakley run off leash (only if no one is around). They run for about 20 minutes each time. Griffen is a bit more relaxed than Oakley is… Continue

Added by Kate on May 15, 2008 at 10:29am — 3 Comments

A Serious Case of the Up-Downs

Griffen has continued to be AMAZING. He has only had a few accidents in the house; which are SUPER easy to clean up due to tile floors. Oakley has taken to him quite well. There are a couple dogs in the neighborhood who bark pretty furociously at Oakley and Griffen. Oakley's normal reaction would be to fluff up, let out a few low growls and move on. But now she has Griffen to protect. Now whenever we pass them Oakley fluffs up and barks back. I've NEVER heard Oakley bark like this. Then when we… Continue

Added by Kate on May 12, 2008 at 3:22pm — 2 Comments

Introducing.... Griffen!

After a six and a half hour drive through torrential rain and flooding (eek), I arrived in Texas to find eleven very beautiful puppies (there are two litters)! The mothers and father were both on site and were they too were very stunning. I was able to narrow down the field to five puppies because I wanted a male. There were two tri's, a fluffy, and two red/whites. It came down to the two red and whites, but after that the decision was impossibly difficult. One was a little more rambunctious… Continue

Added by Kate on May 8, 2008 at 12:05pm — 4 Comments

New Puppy

It seems like it's the season of puppies and new dogs! My husband and I have been toying with the idea of getting another corgi. I was recently looking at breeders nearby and came across a site of BEAUTIFUL corgis. And to top it off the breeder seemed incredibly responsible and reputable. So I put in an application for a puppy. No such luck, she had just sold the last one to its forever home. Shucks. BUT she did have the name of another breeder whose puppies were related to her puppies.… Continue

Added by Kate on May 5, 2008 at 7:21pm — 1 Comment

Lots of new changes

We finally got settled in our new house! Wahoo! Oakley and Maggie (the cat) seem to like it a lot. We have HUGE windows that go down to the floor that they can sit and look out of. Maggie has found that Oakley's bed provides a very soft lookout spot. Oakley has met a lot of the new neighbors and their children (there's something in the water because everyone is either pregnant or has one or two small children). She seemed a bit nervous around the little ones at first but now she loves it when… Continue

Added by Kate on April 25, 2008 at 6:00pm — 1 Comment

Ugly duckling to beautiful swan

Alright, now that I'm finally back in North Dakota, I posted some pictures of Oakley, as a puppy, for all of those who don't believe that she could have been an ugly puppy. Now don't get me wrong, I loved Oakley just as any mother should! As you can see, it didn't take long for her to grow out of her "runt" look.

The day my husband picked her out

Entering the absolutley adorable stage

My… Continue

Added by Kate on March 17, 2008 at 6:00pm — 7 Comments

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