Well, as of tomorrow morning we will have survived Blaze's first week with us!! I am exhausted!!

We never let him out of our sight. The one time I let him out of my sight for more than 30 seconds, he managed to destroy a section of berber carpet next to my bed. It was the section where the seam is... he found a "hook"-- pulled.. and zipped up an entire row and half. *sigh* You just have to laugh...

He has a quirk already! Actually, he HAD a quirk. He's sorta over it now. My husband was cleaning the bathroom last night and used the toilet brush along with clorox to clean the toilet and when done, he put the brush back in the holder thingy (Blaze and I were NOT in the bathroom at this time). Well, later on when I went to the bathroom, Blaze followed me... and next thing I know, he's barking, growling, snapping, doing boxer moves (swinging his body/head back and forth then lunging) at the toilet brush. Go figure. I don't know if it was the smell of the chemicals or if it was just taller than he was and he didn't like its attitude. That was the big thing last night but today he's giving the toilet brush the silent treatment.

I have two minor injuries on my foot where Blaze got me in a fit of overly rambunctious affection... his sharp puppy teeth sliced a small piece of skin that then flapped back... gross, I know. It didn't bleed, but it's pretty raw. Then today he bit the tender inner skin between my pinkie toe and the toe next to it. I didn't realize it was bleeding until I looked down and saw it. He isn't being aggressively mean-- just nipping at anything that moves. I've GOT to work on this.

I found a trainer an hour away that sounds wonderful, but she charges $450.00 for four sessions (the first session is three hours, the next three are an hour each). The sessions focus on "puppy essentials" like crate training, housebreaking, nipping/biting. I'm not sure if this is an obscene amount? I found a class, also an hour away, that is $135.00 for five sessions, but I'm not sure about the methods they use. Advice??

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Comment by Charlie on May 11, 2008 at 6:07pm
My toilet brush was so unruly that I paid $450 to send it to training classes. Just kidding.

At the end of 6 sessions of dog training for $450, Blaze should be able to use the toilet brush to clean your toilet, as well as chauffeur you around in your car, and fill out your tax return each year. Still just kidding. To save your toes, try some steel toed army boots. Still...umm, hmm...not funny. Sorry about your toes.

Seriously though...the $135 for five sessions sounds fairly reasonable, or like others said, try your closest PetSmart. Loved your post! : - ) Sounds like you two are having a great time so far!
Comment by Wynne Phillips on May 10, 2008 at 7:20am
Has Blaze met the vacuum yet? Like the toilet brush, only noisier! Gus STILL hates the vacuum, and he's four years old! He can't figure out how to "herd" it, I guess! About the obedience class, we took Gus to a group "puppy kindergarten" class and it was extremely helpful. Basic obedience, plus you learn a lot from hearing other peoples problems, etc. And a LOT cheaper than $450!! It was good for socialization for him, too.
Comment by Megan and Penelope on May 9, 2008 at 11:45pm
Wow, I can't wait to see how quirky Penelope can be, although I hope she doesn't tear up the house! haha Your blog was funny. Not that I know a lot about dog training, but I have asked many breeders about Petsmart, if you have one nearby, and they seem to think its pretty good for training for pets and I have had two friends go through it with lab mixes and they loved it. As a school psychologist, I know positive reinforcment works on children and it all started in all the studies with animals. Plus, it is waaaayyyy cheaper than $450 too!
Comment by Cindi on May 9, 2008 at 10:41pm
Oh boy, you knew I had to chime in on the training... First, no puppy will last through a three hour session...or one hour sessions unless it's a group class. Major attention problems and then boredom sets in. As for cost, $450 for 6 hours is ridiculous. Do you have a PetSmart? We offer great basic obedience classes and the methods are positive.

Ask (1) how long have you been a trainer? (2) what specific training have you had? (3) what methods do you use? (ask for specifics) (4) do you guarantee your classes and if we have difficulties are you available? will it incur a cost? (5) will you be the main one doing the training or will the trainer?

There's a method to the madness of asking these things. Many "trainers" are not qualified. Many "trainers" think too highly of themselves and charge absolutely STUPID amounts of money. Many "trainers" will say they use positive methods and then ruin it by pinching your dogs toes or using dominance techniques that are not necessary.

Good luck finding a good trainer. Take your time. Do your research. Ask for references! Ask to sit in on a class prior to trusting them with your dog. If they are worth their salt, they'll be happy to have you call references and observe a class.
Comment by Kate on May 9, 2008 at 9:44pm
Those toilet brushes DO have a LOT of attitude... good thing he's willing to stand up to it. Great blog, made me laugh :D

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