We have given Blaze the wrong name. We should have either called him Twiggy or Hoover.

1) Twiggy because the boy loves, loves, loves, loves twigs or other pieces of wood.
2) Hoover because he is a true vacuum-- he picks up EVERYTHING indoors or outdoors.

It is DRIVING ME BANANAS. I have learned to speed up when I take him for a walk and keep him close to my side becuase if I don't, he picks up EVERYTHING from twigs (big or small), cigarette butts, flowers, ROCKS (omg especially rocks), etc.... and my only solution is to walk SUPER FAST so he doesn't have time to grab that stuff.

What do y'all do to stop this behavior??? This morning he literally picked up a large branch that had fallen from a pear tree next to our house, and DRAGGED it to where he could plop down and chew on it.

He also LOVES mulch. He will rather sneakily hide a piece of mulch in his mouth and then just look at me with beautiful innocent (ha!) puppy eyes and pretend he has nothing in there.

Good grief, indeed.

I bought him a nylabone puppy bone and he LOVES it.. he's already destroyed one end of it (small pieces, not big chunks, thank goodness). I don't let him have it in the crate while we're gone because I can only imagine him chewing away on that thing for hours and ingesting too much of it. The vet said it was okay to give him pig ears, but I don't let him have that in the crate either. What toys do you allow in the crate with your dogs when you are away?

My husband and I are having philosophical differences on Blaze's whereabouts while we are at home. I am from the school of "HE STAYS WITH US AT ALL TIMES." We will play outside with him ALL THE TIME and then when it's time to go inside, we bring him in with us...and then bring him back outside with us-- basically, he is with us at all times. My husband, however, is from the school of "leave him outside ALL THE TIME and bring him in only at night to sleep. He's just FINE!" (the way he was brought up with dogs...)

I keep telling him that dogs are social, pack animals, and we will be socializing Blaze a lot quicker if we keep him with us at all times. Blaze already views my husband as alpha-- ears go back around him, etc. I don't know what he thinks of me-- he does follow me EVERYWHERE from room to room, which I absolutely love. However my husband keeps freaking out over him possibly chewing furniture, etc., etc., (he doesn't, by the way) and it's "a hassle" to keep an eye on him at all times. I'm really annoyed here, folks.

Good grief, indeed.

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Comment by Amy Parish on May 22, 2008 at 5:32pm
It sounds like Daisy and Blaze are two peas in a pod...I am trying the "Leave it" command, but sometimes all those things outside are so tempting! Good Luck! I know your pain!!!
Comment by Agro Ein on May 22, 2008 at 5:02pm
My Corgi, too, liked to chew on all manner of things since he was a puppy. It wasnt until last month that his chewing tendency pretty much dissapeared (he's currently only 7 months old). In training your dog not to chew on furniture, walls, tapestries, etc. all it takes is constant supervision and strong discipline if you catch your pup doing something he shouldn't. What we often did when we discovered Agro chewing on something off limits was to shout, loudly - almost as if barking. A strong, loud "BLAZE, NO!" will be enough to deter him from chewing and will teach him that chewing on certain things make Mommy and Daddy very angry.
What you have to keep in mind is that puppies especially love gnawing on things, mostly due to their teeths coming in. There's no quick fix to stop your puppy from chewing things. You have to keep at disciplining your dog until he learns the appropriate behavior.
Pig ears and other chew toys will go a long way in keeping your puppies teeth off your furniture. We often gave Agro Busy Bones and/or rope to keep him from chewing the carpet, couch and walls. Ultimately, he learned not to chew certain things (our socks are still fare game, but only because I encourage this behavior when I start playing tug with the sock he's found).
So, yeah, just be firm with your puppy when training them. But pups chewing on and biting all manner of things is unavoidable at first, but they can be trained to only chew/bite acceptable things.
Comment by Stephen on May 22, 2008 at 2:08pm
Both my corgi's love wood...they would sit in the yard and chew sticks all day if you let them. With Tiki we the most valuable thing we learned in Petsmart puppy training was the leave it command. With Cruise (now only 5 months) it's tough.
Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on May 22, 2008 at 2:03pm
Hi Kim,
Blaze is still young I would definetly want to have him around me at all times too. Corgis definetly are family orientated. They want to be with the family, not away! I believe he will just get into trouble if left alone from boredom.

We have never left any toy with Lance in his crate! He has always been a harsh chewer and just felt it would not be safe.

Lance also liked picking up odd and ends on our walks and we use to say "Leave it" and he did eventually start leaving it.

We just started Lance staying out of his crate when we leave to go places for a short time! He is 2 1/2. It actually started on accident, one day I went to work and found him laying in between the kitchen and family room! At the time we had gates so he could not get upstairs or in the living room and dining room. He was really good and I was estatic. I thought we would never be able to leave him out of his crate when we left! We accidentally left him out a second time although this time the gate for the living room/dining room was taken away and he was still really good. So now if we arent going to be gone long we leave him out although we still will crate him. I never want him to get unaccustomed to it. He is 2 1/2 and by accident found out he would be ok for short periods of time. I wonder if I will ever trust him for longer periods of time? I dont know, I am surprised we have gotten this far!
Comment by Geri & Sidney on May 22, 2008 at 1:53pm
Are you annoyed by your husband or with Blaze? ;-)

I agree with you. Corgis especially are social animals and need to be part of your family, his pack. Hopefully your husband will change his way of thinking as Blaze matures. I'd be so sad if I had to keep my dogs outside all day, and I think they'de be sad too.

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