How interesting.

I've never actually had a dog that hid treats.. usually they snarfed them down as fast as I handed it to them...

Imagine my surprise when I went to Blaze's crate for the purpose of getting his mat for washing.. and found a puppy bone underneath, dead center....

How cute!! Seriously, folks-- he was saving it for a rainy day.

Do your dogs do this?? I think it's ADORABLE! I wonder where else he's hiding his treats...

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Comment by Justin & Megan on June 5, 2008 at 1:23am
We only brought Ein home today, but he has already hidden a couple treats that I know of. Like a few others, he searches for a new spot if he sees us watching him.
Comment by Silvia Li on June 2, 2008 at 10:58pm
When Mocha was a pup, he hides his treats and save it for another day/time. He usually likes to hide it behind or under the sofa, in the corner of the walls up on second floor of our loft, etc. I think he stopped doing that when Vienna came along. Then, it was Vienna's turn in hiding stuff/treats. Whenever she doesn't feel like eating her treats right away, she'll hide it, not from us, but from Mocha. She will hide her bones, her toys, anything that she doesn't want Mocha to have.
Comment by Arang&Mark on May 27, 2008 at 12:45am
haha cheez-it is such a cutie! although that must have been quite disconcerting the first time
Comment by James on May 26, 2008 at 4:28pm
correction: "were living"
Comment by James on May 26, 2008 at 4:28pm
Cheez-it doesnt hide treats, but he hides the things he brings in from outside behind my couch. Usually these things are living!
Comment by Kerby (the human) on May 26, 2008 at 2:08pm
Lucy hides her treats and toys too. In her crate, in the couch, under the bed. Its become habit to check for her things before cleaning and vacuuming.
Comment by mikonami on May 26, 2008 at 1:53pm
My sister's dog hides her treats in her litter box and then forgets about them. Kind of weird. Mei used to try and dig in the couch or her bed to hide her treats too ;D
Comment by Geri & Sidney on May 26, 2008 at 12:26pm
Sidney was my first dog to do this! He hides his treats either in the sofa or in my bed! He gets upset if he sees us watching him hide the treat and goes to look for a new spot. They sure are smart!

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