
Mild hiccup in Blaze's first month at home. Last night he seemed really quiet (which is a huge red flag). I took him outside for the final pee/poo of the night. He threw up... it seemed to be mostly solid food, so I thought maybe his stomach just wasn't agreeing with him. He had been chewing a lot on a bully stick I bought for him two days ago. His stomach was really bloated, so I figured maybe between the bully stick and his regular food he just consumed too much?? He did poop after he threw up, so I thought it was just a case of overeating.

Well... my husband and I woke up this morning to a crate full of diarrhea-poo and vomit. Sigh. We don't know what time he got sick, since we are deaf and can't hear what he does in the night... but we feel pretty rotten. I feel horrible thinking of him sitting in his messy crate wondering why we didn't rescue him. Took him outside, gave him a bath, hosed down the crate, hosed down the mat, etc. Today's my birthday so what a nice birthday surprise, huh?

I'm concerned about him. This morning his energy level is a little bit low, but he's still affectionate and wants attention. I'm taking him to the vet at 8:30, which I had originally planned to do since he needs his third deworming shot, so I will see what the vet has to say.

Wish us luck.

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Comment by Geri & Sidney on May 29, 2008 at 3:21pm
Happy Birthday!

Now you know what caused his tummy troubles and he can get right along to feeling better.
Comment by Nicole & Baxter on May 29, 2008 at 3:13pm
Poor little guy, hope he gets on the road to recovery soon. Worms are certainly no fun, and they just seem to come out of nowhere. They get knocked out with medicine though pretty quick. Baxter and I send our best wishes to Blaze and a happy birthday to you! I am a May baby myself. Hope your day picked up and got better, as did Blaze's! =)
Comment by Sylvia & Timmy on May 29, 2008 at 11:26am
Happy, happy day. So glad Blaze got a diagnosis and is on the way to recovery! The wormers work pretty quick, so he should be rarin' to go in a day or so.
Comment by Carmen on May 29, 2008 at 11:25am
Good to hear that it wasn't anything serious! Hope Blaze feels better soon!

Happy Birthday!
Comment by momto3ltlgrlz on May 29, 2008 at 11:21am
I hope that your baby feels better soon! Poor little guy! Happy Birthday :)
Comment by Juel on May 29, 2008 at 11:10am
Poor Little Blaze so glad he has his mommy to make him feel better!
Comment by Megan and Penelope on May 29, 2008 at 11:04am
Aww, he was sick with those nasty worms. So glad that was it; nothing more serious! Hope he is feeling better!
Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on May 29, 2008 at 10:51am
Well at least you know what it is now and can treat it. You are lucky you could not seem them in his vomit! I was so grossed out by it. Blaze will be much better now!
Comment by Charlie on May 29, 2008 at 10:36am
Aww! Well, it was good timing that you were taking him to the vet already before he had a bad night. Glad to hear it was just worms. He'll be feeling much better in a few days. Happy Birthday to you!
Comment by Kimberly on May 29, 2008 at 10:22am
He has worms!! I can't believe it. We haven't seen em, but the vet did a fecal exam and sure 'nuff there they are. He had to have his third deworming this week, which is why I was gonna bring him in anyway, so I guess its a good thing. The vet also mentioned giardia... Since he's having diarrhea and vomiting. We went ahead and got an additional parvo shot, and Blaze is on a deworming powder (mixed in his food) for three days as well as a pill to stop the diarrhea. Since Blaze doesn't inhale his food at one sitting, the vet gave us some wet science diet puppy food and Blaze LOVED it, even with the powder in it.

Let's hope he feels better soon! He hoovered up the canister with the parvo shot in it (after the shot) and the vet had to pry his jaws open to retrieve it. Pretty funny.

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