Ok, I admit it. I was really worried about attempting to do my puppy's nails and trim the hair around her pads. I had bad experiences before with our wonderful lab chow mix when I accidently cut too deep and just could not bear the thought of hurting her. I also felt like this was something really should be able to do since I can't always run somewhere to have it done.
I waited until my little darling Lucy was fast asleep. Then I grabbed the baby nail clippers (possibly the sharpest things on earth next to Lucy's teeth!) and some lititle sissors I found that have rounded ends. Great for not poking her with sharp ends. I think they may be nose hair sissors and have NO idea where they came from!
While she was laying on my bed, I was able to do each foot. She twitched her foot a time or two in her sleep but didn't wake up. I must admit it was super easy seeing her quick in her little white nails and avoid it. I also filed the rough edges a bit so they wouldn't scratch.
Now Miss Lucy can be the bell at the ball! And I am not nearly so nervous about attempting it next time while she's awake.
You know they do pick up on your moods, so I plan on doing some deep breathing relaxing exercises before I do it with her awake! AND LOTS OF TREATS! She is actually wonderful about letting my play with her toes and toenails, so maybe it won't be the struggle I am anticipating.
This page showing proper pad trimming is from "The New Complete Pembroke Welsh Corgi" by Deborah S. Harper.

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