Yesterday, after 5 days of runs and feeding chicken+rice, Risa had NORMAL stool. Maybe it sounds like I'm crazy, but I was totally happy. The little poop in the garden made me relaxed again. We visited the vet in the afternoon to tell him the news and he checked Risa quickly, saying he will be fine. Today morning I gave Risa his rice and waited for his poopy, but it was not so solid again and followed by yellow-like diarrhea. I'm frustrated. After the week of runs he's slowly losing weight and both his ears went down again. He's playful and active, though. Looks like we'll have to visit the vet again on Monday (there's no weekend service in our city). I've read through several forums here and learned about the canned pumpkin, but it is not sold in our country. Maybe I'll try the banana+apple alternative, but I'm afraid of experiments.
It is really sad that we have our pup for 14 days now and he's ill half of that time. But I hope he will be OK soon, no matter what the costs for vet care will be.
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