I woke up this morning to a soiled kennel, about 3-4 spots of vomit on the kitchen floor, and 2-3 runny potty spots on the downstairs bathroom floor.

It's official, I suppose. Roscoe's sick!

You wouldn't know it to look at him, he's completely as full of energy as ever. He started having diarrhea late Sunday night - he was unable to hold it during the night as he usually is. I didn't feed him Monday morning, gave him lots of water, and he seemed to be better Monday night. I fed him that afternoon, and then he exploded out both ends sometime during the night.

We went to the vet this afternoon, with a stool sample. The vet did a general health check, and he was fine in all areas. The stool sample revealed excess bacteria, which the vet said was consistent with him having gotten something out of water he shouldn't have. I figure it was from the dog park - we went on both Saturday & Sunday, and he did drink out of a communal bowl. Many owners there were giving their dogs water from their own bottles/thermoses, which I thought was odd at the time, but I suppose it's not.

The vet gave him a shot, and gave me some antibiotics for the next few days as well as some canned food. No excess physical activity for a bit (which should be fun) and hopefully he'll feel better in a few days. So far he's had a small bit of the canned food. If he keeps that down tonight, tomorrow morning he'll get more in addition to a pill. Fun times!

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Comment by Cindi on June 25, 2008 at 8:33am
Prayers and energy for Roscoe. I used to have a water bowl in my training ring, but we've had a run of parvo and I removed it last year. Communal bowls can be full of nasty stuff.. Get yourself a collapsable bowl or a bottle holder with a bowl attached to carry with you.

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