Suresh's Blog (7)

First Time Sickness

I woke up this morning to a soiled kennel, about 3-4 spots of vomit on the kitchen floor, and 2-3 runny potty spots on the downstairs bathroom floor.

It's official, I suppose. Roscoe's sick!

You wouldn't know it to look at him, he's completely as full of energy as ever. He started having diarrhea late Sunday night - he was unable to hold it during the night as he usually is. I didn't feed him Monday morning, gave him lots of water, and he seemed to be better Monday night.… Continue

Added by Suresh on June 24, 2008 at 7:19pm — 1 Comment

The Weekend Wrap-Up

Early Saturday morning Roscoe and I headed to Arbor Hills Nature Reserve for a walk. The nature reserve has several walking tracks, and creeks and such; the area makes for a great walk/bike, and you can bring your dog as well. Morning is pretty much the only tolerable time to get most outdoor activity done, the heat is making it more uncomfortable as summer goes along. The place had a good amount of people, but it wasn't terrible crowded. Roscoe did well on the walk, and he spent some time in a… Continue

Added by Suresh on June 9, 2008 at 10:23am — No Comments

Neuter neuter neuter! And other stuff.

Roscoe got neutered on Thursday. He just had to stay at the vet for the day (not overnight). My boyfriend dropped him off and I got him that evening. He was awake, but looked so drugged out. Like, he would focus on me, but I could tell he was so out of it. He slept on the way home, and made it outside to pee and potty fine that evening. Then he pretty much dropped for the night. It was the first time in a while I got to cuddle and hold him without him trying to play. He was back to normal… Continue

Added by Suresh on May 19, 2008 at 10:31am — 3 Comments

Training and Neutering!

So far we're on Week Three of PetSmart training - so far so good. Roscoe has sit down pat (when he wants to, that is) and has responded really well to "Leave it" and "Drop It." We're having serious issues with down, which the trainer said that pups with shorter legs sometimes do. He won't go down, he just raises up his back end or stands up. I've managed to get him under my legs with the Under the Bridge trick, but I'm not sure how far that will go in showing him what down means. Any… Continue

Added by Suresh on May 8, 2008 at 3:13pm — 2 Comments

First Training Class

Yesterday Roscoe and I went to PetSmart for our first training class. The trainer is a lady named Rita, who seems really enthusiastic and in love with her job. There are 5 pups in the class total, two labs, a 7-month old Beagle (who might not be back, I think she was just auditing the class to see how her dog would do), and another gorgeous dog who's breed I don't know, but he was gray and black, shaggy and very pretty. The first class is a lot of talking, with the trainer explaining how the… Continue

Added by Suresh on April 14, 2008 at 11:50am — 5 Comments

Allergy Update

I went to the allergist today. I've always had allergies, but since I got Roscoe, they had about tripled. I'd been living on Tylenol allergy for the past three weeks or so, and the past three days I couldn't take any sinus meds before my appointment. Friday and Saturday weren't bad at all, but last night just about killed me. It's the typical stuffed nose, tight chest sneezing, and a red rash/bumps when I would touch him.

I got tested for all kinds of things - I'm super-allergic to… Continue

Added by Suresh on April 7, 2008 at 4:07pm — 5 Comments

Learning the Ropes

I picked up Roscoe almost two weeks ago, on 03-14-08. So far it's been a lot of fun and a lot of learning for the both of us. When I got him, I was living with my brother in a home with a large fenced backyard, but this past weekend moved to my own apartment. The apartment area itself is pretty big (two story townhome), and we're going out on the leash when he needs to go out to potty.

This is my first inside dog, and my first time dealing with a puppy. So far it hasn't been too bad,… Continue

Added by Suresh on March 26, 2008 at 11:40am — 12 Comments

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