I've attached a link to a dogster post that delves into the nutritional world of dog food. Sedona (#63219) on dogster has compiled a list of most dog foods available and obtained the Kcals per lb or kg from the various manufacturers that don't list the information on their bags. Purpose of the post was that YOU as the consumer could see how much per month it costs to feed your dog a particular food. Interesting results showed that expensive brands don't cost that much more than cheaper brands and that sometimes the differences are almost insignificant.
So if you're looking at your budget and thinking that Beneful is looking good, please read the post and then make the most judicious decision you can. For the health and welfare of your canine companion it's worth it.
Have fun reading and just for information, Timmy eats 1 1/3 cups of Wellness Core and it only costs me approximately $13.00 more per month to feed him an excellent food as opposed to the Beneful. I'm not a stickler for the math part of all this, but the post explains it all and the poster is very well respected in the dogster food and nutrition forum.
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