Sylvia & Timmy's Blog (13)

Corgi Sighting

Saw this in the SF Chronicle yesterday.  Our new Lt. Governor, Gavin Newsom was the mayor of San Francisco.  It seems the Governor was looking for a dog walker and....................



Added by Sylvia & Timmy on January 28, 2011 at 10:22am — 8 Comments

"A Gathering of Corgis"

Hey everyone I wanted to let you know about a new book that a friend of mine put together. Her name is Ginnie Mickelson and she completed this photo essay for a Photo Journalism class. The photos were taken by Ginnie and another photographer identified in the credits at a dog park in the San Jose, CA area where my friend lives. She is donating all profits from the bood to Corgi Aid. The preview pictures don't do the real images justice. I recently got a copy and the pictures are absolutely…


Added by Sylvia & Timmy on April 28, 2010 at 9:30pm — 1 Comment

Butch the Corgi Detective

Hey everyone, thought I'd pass along this link to a story of a brave corgi named Butch. If the thief is apprehended, I think Butch should get a reward, don't you????

Added by Sylvia & Timmy on March 4, 2010 at 11:00pm — 4 Comments

Corgi Aid - 10th Anniversary

Today is the 10th Anniversary of Corgi Aid. That's 10 years of helping corgis (both breeds) and mixes get healthy and find their furever homes. I know that several members of MyCorgi have gotten their furry friends through corgi rescue and perhaps even gotten aid through Corgi Aid. Please stop by Corgi Aid's site today and see all the dogs that have been helped and their stories. And if you have a few extra dollars perhaps make a contribution to helping corgis in the… Continue

Added by Sylvia & Timmy on January 21, 2010 at 6:26pm — 3 Comments

Musings of "An Old Woman, Learning and Timmy the Corgi"

For starters, I've made more mistakes in training my dogs than I care to recount, you have time to read or MyCorgi has space for! LOL I’m not a spring chicken as you can guess and quality of life becomes more precious to me with each passing day. Now you know where I'm coming from. What’s that got to do with training, you ask?

Well, Timmy is the first corgi I've owned, that’s what! In my former life I raised and obedience trained German Shepherd Dogs (GSD’s). My shepherds were… Continue

Added by Sylvia & Timmy on July 23, 2008 at 7:19pm — 8 Comments

Fortuna Rodeo Parade

This is the fourth year that Timmy and I have marched with our nonprofit organization, "Bark for a Park", in the parade. This year was the first time that Timmy had another corgi to march with. The parade route and return is about 3.5 miles, so thank goodness, the weather was… Continue

Added by Sylvia & Timmy on July 22, 2008 at 2:47pm — 1 Comment

Flying Corgis

I just found this recently made video of corgis in a flyball competition on Memorial Day 2008, in Ramona , CA. Apparently a namesake of mine "Timmy" now holds the corgi flyball record!!! Wooo hooooo.

Looks like fun for those interested.

Added by Sylvia & Timmy on July 15, 2008 at 12:00pm — 3 Comments

Important Information on Dog Food-Cost Analysis by dogster Sedona (#632919)

I've attached a link to a dogster post that delves into the nutritional world of dog food. Sedona (#63219) on dogster has compiled a list of most dog foods available and obtained the Kcals per lb or kg from the various manufacturers that don't list the information on their bags. Purpose of the post was that YOU as the consumer could see how much per month it costs to feed your dog a particular food. Interesting results showed that expensive brands don't cost that much more than cheaper brands… Continue

Added by Sylvia & Timmy on June 27, 2008 at 1:00pm — 4 Comments

Tasha Tudor

So it's a sad day in Corgiville, Tasha has left for the bridge to meet her many corgis.

Tasha Tudor, an author, illustrator and poet, died today in her Vermont home. She was born Starling Burgess and later had her name legally changed to Tasha Tudor. She was one of the most prolific and revered illustrators of all time. Her career spanned nearly 75 years. Although most of her books were children's books, even as an adult, I still enjoy them. Her most famous (IMO) are the Corgiville… Continue

Added by Sylvia & Timmy on June 18, 2008 at 7:00pm — 6 Comments

A truly inspirational video

Warning, have the kleenex box handy!!

I found a link to this video on the dogster blog. It is a truly inspirational video and a comment on the human/animal bond. For me the message was received...............enjoy each moment with our furry friends and companions and live life BIG.

This is what it's all about!

Added by Sylvia & Timmy on April 24, 2008 at 11:15am — 3 Comments

Warning, Don't let this happen to your Corgi

A couple of days ago, I heard another tragic story of a beautiful and much loved corgi losing its life due to a tragic accident. This is the fourth one I've heard of in the past five years. I'm sure there have been many more, but the parents of the corgis probably haven't been courageous or strong enough to share the guilt they feel. Without permission from the person I won't give the link out at this time but will relate the circumstances, that I'm sure all of us can relate… Continue

Added by Sylvia & Timmy on March 17, 2008 at 11:30am — 11 Comments

Should I breed my dog? - Flow chart to help with decision making

Permission to cross post this flow chart was given by the originator (Marlowe, CGC #305780) on dogster. If you click on the chart, it will link you to the original on her Webshots file.


Added by Sylvia & Timmy on March 9, 2008 at 12:14pm — 6 Comments

Westminster wanna be, in Eureka, CA

On Sunday the 16th of Feb., HUMDOG (Humboldt Dog Obedience Group) held a Dog Expo in Eureka, CA. The purpose was to educate and inform members of the general public about the various breeds of dogs and also give… Continue

Added by Sylvia & Timmy on February 19, 2008 at 4:06pm — 2 Comments

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