We used to have a big brother, Maguire, that was a chow/golden mix. He was our alpha but he was so laid back and peaceful. Well right after we moved to the new house, he was diagnosed with lymphosarcoma. Mom and Dad had to help him to the bridge about two months ago.

About a month ago, we figured out Maguire wasn't coming back so all of a sudden, we began to fight for who was going to be the new alpha. At first Mom would break up the fights and not let us finish but then she decided maybe it was her getting involved that was keeping us fighting. So she let us "work it out" but Phoenix always wins the physical fights. I'm almost four years old and it's totally not fair and I keep starting fights with her and neither of us will give up and submit. Well, two weeks ago Phoenix really won one of the fights and I ended up having to go get fixed up at the emergency vet.

Mom really wishes that we'd stop fighting. We only fight inside the house. Not in the backyard. She can see us start to stare at each other and try to get in the middle to break our concentrations, but that seems to start a fight. When we start fighting, we don't pay any attention to distracting big noises or commands from mommy. We've both been through obedience courses and we always listen to mommy really well and act nice in public when we're separate, but when we're in the house....way different story.

Mom took me to the vet and she put both of us on some medicine to help us focus on mom instead of hate all the time. We are not allowed on the furniture, and we have to sit, down, wait for our foods and treats and before we go outside. Mom was treating Phoenix like the alpha, letting her go through the door first, eating first, etc. because she was the one winning the fights but the fighting doesn't stop. So dad suggested we start treating me like the alpha because actually my sister is less stubborn towards humans. It's still not working.

Mom had a lady come to the house and try to work with both of us. It only made me pee and be afraid of her. I would just hide my face so I wouldn't see Phoenix.

There is a dog behaviorist in Stillwater that mom is thinking of taking us to. The vet bills are really piling up. Especially because they still have a lot left over from Maguire's sickness. Okay she's done whining but seriously, she doesn't know what to do. It's like we're not dogs anymore, just pieces of property that are in jail all the time. Dad is suggesting that one of us go live with his mom. Mommy really really doesn't want to do that. She loves both of us a whole lot. We are pretty much her life. She says that you can't give your human kids away so you can't do it to us either. She is very sad and would appreciate suggestions if anyone has them.


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Comment by Corgi Mom on December 1, 2007 at 8:11pm
Right now Moira (5 y/o female Pemmi - spayed) and Maddie (10 m/o Pemmi - intact) fight periodically throughout the day. Each day. We think it's mostly because Maddie has finally gone into heat and her harmones are raging.
Comment by Mindy on December 1, 2007 at 6:39am
I have 2 male corgis that in the last week have gone after each other too. I wish I could have everyone just get along again. One has had surgery for a bad cut and now the other one has many sores too. I love them both but the younger one is the aggressor.
Comment by Corgi Mom on November 5, 2007 at 5:17pm
Good luck! Remember it will take lots of time, patience and understanding but you'll get there.
Comment by Cindi on November 4, 2007 at 7:44pm
You're welcome. I hope it helps. But, remember, it does take time and consistency. It's not going to right itself overnight.
Comment by Einzors and Phoenix on November 4, 2007 at 2:41pm
Thanks guys! We really appreciate all your help. Hopefully these thing will help us not have battles and we can all get along in the house again. wOOt!
Comment by Cindi on November 4, 2007 at 5:02am
What you want is for your corgis to follow YOU, not each other. In all you do, your goal is for you to be the alpha, the natural leader, and not either of the dogs. Now, they will set up their own subdominance hierarchy within the pack! Of course. But, they must obey you as leader. If you have more detailed questions, please email me. I'll be glad to help you work on the pack leadership/dominance issues.
Comment by Cindi on November 4, 2007 at 4:59am
This is a toughie. Truly. There is a difference, as Sam put it, between dominance and being alpha. Dominance is "I'm a big, bad dog and you WILL bend to my will." Alpha is a natural leader. Different personalities altogether.

As CorgiMom says, our two girls can really get ahold of each other. Moira is in charge and Maddie can't stand to share. This is often what happens with dogs who become "possessive" (for lack of a better term).

Let's think about pack mentality and ethology (and not human terms) for a minute. In a pack, there is a leader and subdominants. The subdoms serve the leader. If a subdom starts acting differently than is acceptable in the pack, they are isolated by the other dogs until they can function within the pack as they are supposed to do.

If you have time out places, you can create that same isolation. For example, you can put a short leash on one door and another on a second, not within distance of each other - and preferably not within eyesight. We don't want to tempt them with each other!

When a fight occurs. Take one to one leash and one to another. Leave them there for a couple of minutes (until they calm down). Then release them. Whoever started the fight gets released last. This, as the one who does the isolating and releasing, sets YOU up as the big dog.
Comment by Corgi Mom on November 2, 2007 at 8:22pm
I agree with Sam. Your dogs will need to decide on their own who is the new alpha. If one is more submissive than the other then I would say that particular dog isn't alpha. We had Moira for about 6 months before we got Maddie. Moira pretty much is the alpha female but Maddie occasionally tries to win that position. Other than that all our "kids" get along pretty well.
Comment by Sam on November 2, 2007 at 7:50pm
Sometimes two dogs are just not destined to get along. It is not unusual when one adds a dog to the home or loses a dog that this behavior rears its ugly head. A behaviorist may help but also may not. Often times hints of this behavior have been lurking for quite some time unrecognizable to the humans. Realize each time they connect it reinforces the behavior. Excitability offers a huge open door to aggressive outbursts. Good solid exercise often helps. This means controlled exercise such as jogging, agility practice, herding or really long walks. Avoid triggers such as thowing a ball when they are together, small spaces together, food or toys together. I personally do not think reinforcing the "alpha" dog as if one was truly the alpha this would not be occuring. My theory is that no matter what I am in charge. I feed who I wish to feed first, let out who I wish to let out first etc. People dont create alpha dogs.....they earn this position on their own. True alpha dogs keep things in order with a small stare of posture, there is no fighting. What you are seeing is a dominance struggle. Best of luck!
Comment by Einzors and Phoenix on November 2, 2007 at 3:10pm
Yeppers we are both fixed. We haven't gotten an airhorn yet. We'll try that. Someone told us about that DAP plug in stuff for doggies. Maybe it would help us to be happier. The supersoaker might be too much fun for mom. heheh.

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