An interesting thing happened to us when I brought Camber to the groomers to have her nails trimmed and she totally freaked out. It was out of her character, all that twisting around trying to get away. The groomer had to put a muzzle on her. She's never had a muzzle on since we got her and it was distressing. Too much drama for a Monday!

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Comment by Anne on July 29, 2008 at 8:41pm
Interesting about the peticure. I know she found the noise of the dremel too much but maybe we will give it another try. I like the idea of it better. Hard for me to clip nails. My husband used to do our other dogs and they hated it but bounced right back from it. Le-Le is more sensitive and we do have set backs with bonding so since she is better with me anything like that I do.
Elys- I think our dog are a lot alike. Though Le-Le jumps, runs from things and hides. Makes eye contact with my Mother & sister but still scared of my Dad and forget strangers, hides behind us. She likes my Mom & sister because she likes their dogs.
Comment by Cindi on July 29, 2008 at 12:20pm
The Dremel is much easier. And the pet ones you buy at stores are stupidly expensive. Most of my customers who spent the money on the "peticure" and most recent knock-offs of it have said it was too difficult to get their dogs to sit still and get their nail in the little hole. The cordless Dremel is cheaper and you can get the little drum sanding replacements really inexpensively.
Comment by Elys on July 29, 2008 at 10:33am
Our dogs seem to be very similar in past experiences and temperament. Although, Camber doesn't seem to mind the vacuum cleaner--unless it gets too close to her, then she gets up and walks (never runs) away. She and I had a massage session on the couch this morning. She got up after 10 minutes or so...guess she was getting over stimulated.

We're trying to get her used to being petted (which she doesn't mind), but when you pick her up, she turns her face away from you--maybe she'll give a sniff, but that's it. She licks our hand, so that's been a positive sign and she'll touch noses with me, but giving kisses on the face, we're not there yet.

I guess the Peticure is a popular item!
Comment by Anne on July 29, 2008 at 10:10am
Our dog is so scared of any noises and objects that are new to her which since she was a kennel dog on a quiet ranch is everything. We may have introduced the dremel too soon, only 2 months of having her. As far as we know that paw has never been hurt. She lets me hold her paws and I make sure I touch her all over so we do get her desensitized as much as possible. I was thinking of getting the peticure since it is quieter than a dremel. But it takes along time for shipping so will have to cut nails before we get it I know. Maybe I will try again to do her nails myself a little at a time. Our girl won't take her treats if she is nervous so that doesn't work that well for us.
Comment by Elys on July 29, 2008 at 8:10am
I think, then, that the Dremel is the next purchase for Camber. I often thought about using a human nail file, too. Just to get the rougher edges. I'll definitely start handling her paws more. On the forum, many people commented on using bag balm to help the pads. It'll serve 2 purposes--help smooth her pads a bit and get her used to people handling her.

I posted on that forum that some of her pads are red and look inflamed. she's walking fine, but should I be worried? They're not bleeding and she's not overly licking her paws. Any advice?
Comment by Jennifer on July 29, 2008 at 7:13am
The dremel works really well, we are looking into to getting one rather than paying petsmart to do it, but what we find helps even more is just holding harry on our laps and gently rubbing his paws and rubbing in between his toes. so far he loves his fronts getting done, but is still iffy on the backs so we are still working on that...but it has seemed to really help!
Comment by Butter on July 28, 2008 at 10:21pm
PS Another thing I do is everyday give him a massage, all over his body, and I purposely stroke his legs and his feet so that he continues to be used to me handling him. He lets me do anything to him because he knows he can trust me.
Comment by Butter on July 28, 2008 at 10:19pm
I clip by hand and then use a human nail file to file the rough edges. I only do it when Butter has been walked and is tired. I always give him a belly rub before I start to relax him. If he gets a bit squirmy while I am doing it, I give him another belly rub. I talk to him and praise him up the whole time.

I was taught to sit on the floor, with my legs in a "V" shape. He is on his back and facing up and his lower legs are close to my stomach. I use my legs to hold him in this position. I don't have a problem with him....he often falls asleep. I also clip the hairs between his toes with pet-safe scissors.

I think that for him, his feet were handled a lot as a puppy...and as soon as he needed it, he got his toe-nails clipped every 10 days for 9 years. He also knows that he gets a treat when it is over.

Thankfully he has light coloured nails so it is easy to avoid the quick. I have never cut a dog's nails before but it is pretty easy once you have been shown how. Iw ould recommend doing it yourself because I think a muzzle would freak anyone out, including me.
Comment by Sam on July 28, 2008 at 9:48pm
If you just have one dog you may find the cordless dremmel a good buy. It is much quieter. I use this to start the pups at a very young age. As they grow and their nails become thicker I graduate to the corded one which is much louder but also much faster. If you have the occasion to visit dog shows some do have a little cap that goes over the top with holes to insert the nails. This will stop any accidental issues should you drop it while dremmeling. Oh it can snatch hair up in an instant! If you dremmel once weekly you can keep the nails nice and short.
Comment by Sandy on July 28, 2008 at 9:05pm
Sandy is the same. She HATES anyone or anything going near her paws. She will even bribe us with sweet kisses to stop touching or holding her paws. The groomers and vet both stated that corgis in particular are very sensitive about their paws.

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