I think Owen might be the only dog who was not immediately charmed by the bully stick. He did this weird thing for about 5 minutes until I took it away. Sniff it, nip at it and jump away like he had received a shock! Then bark at it a few times. Repeat. I got tired of that one really quick. My husband came home and we tried again. Matt said he had to show him what to do - then he was busy until dinner time.

Owen is a little chewer so we are keeping that mouth busy on good things to chew. Like not my hand :) Is that biting- weird question.. He likes to go after our hands kind of like a cat would. We are being firm with him and setting boundaries. If it doesn't stop after, no, redirection then we go to no, igore and rarely if we have to go to the third level is no, Owen gets removed from the situation and back to his pen area. He is getting stronger so I hope this works to curb his biting/gnawing.

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Comment by Lexi on August 12, 2008 at 2:49pm
That's so funny! Kuma does the same thing with new treats but I always thought he was playing with it... eventually he figures out they taste yummy and then there's not a second of hesitation...

Good luck with biting... Kuma is getting better as he gets older, though he still goes for hands on occasion. Consistency and firmness are key and it sounds like you've got it down!
Comment by Karen & Bailey on August 12, 2008 at 10:58am
yea bailey loves em too.

and for the biting, theyll grow out of it as long as your consistent with showing them that its not OK and that it hurts.
Comment by Laurie on August 12, 2008 at 10:30am
I can't get over the idea of what a bully stick is so I have never given my corgis one. I realize that they probably eat other equally disgusting animal body parts, but I just don't know about it. Maybe I will have to give them a try.
Comment by Sarah C. on August 12, 2008 at 9:34am
My puppy does the same thing with unfamiliar treats. I put a bit of peanut butter on it and it usually stops the silliness. I think she's afraid the cats are going to come take it from her...
Comment by Lou Ann Lemaster on August 12, 2008 at 7:56am
My two dogs LOVE bully sticks. I buy mine on eBay, and get the one that has the 1-4 inch sizes. They get one every morning and one at night, hence, the small sizes.

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