Molly- somewhere between a know-it-all tomboy and a diva. When you pick her up, you must be very particular as to never grab her around her ribs or under her armpits...she's very sensitive. Yet, she's super athletic and she doesn't really like to be told what to do or be corrected- she just gives you dirty looks. She will look at me over the top of her paws, using corgitelepathy, "YOU WANT TO TAKE ME FOR A WALK." In the car, if she is in the back seat, she only wants to be let out of the backseat. She is the ultimate barn dog. She follows me around, never getting too close to the horses, and she certainly doesn't chase them. I can walk her and my horse on their leads! She also wants to be able to tell all the other dogs have any fun- she's very bossy. I think this is because she was owned by an older couple, and I don't think she learned how to play. She was rehomed because one of the couple passed away and the other was put into a nursing home. Having Tigger around has been very good for her. She is learning how to share but if she doesn't get attention, she starts barking. Her trick is just being cute and singing to me...her idea of beg is jumping up and down on her hind legs until I give her a treat! I call her my personal trainer, because she makes me take her for a walk every day, otherwise, she will hold it and hold it and hold it! And if the grass is too long, she will not walk in the grass out in the back yard. Yet for some reason, it is okay to leap through the tall grass at the barn!?!?

Tigger- I think he may have graduated Corgi cum Laude- he is so smart. He was surrendered back to his breeder because he was 'unmanageable and couldn't be house trained' . Well, let me tell you that ain't so! The breeder nor I have seen any of the behavior they talked about. He was clearly a case of neglect. Within the last six weeks, he's been crate trained, had only few mistakes inside the house, he walks obediently on the leash now. He even knows tricks- sit, speak and beg. I've even taught him how to wait for his food. Because he had been relegated to living outside, living indoors is his dream come true. He loves the cold tile floors, regular meals and jumping up on the bed to greet me in the morning. He guards the pantry- aka- where the dog food is stored. He's just now getting used to sleeping on a doggie bed. This morning I learned, he is deathly afraid of thunder and lightening. I woke up to a panting dog wanting up on the bed. I patted him and told him he was going to be okay, but he was so scared he hid under the bed. I finally convinced him that it was okay to come out and I put him up with me and Molly (who was acting like she wasn't afraid- but I know better!). He was glued to my side all morning. He's pretty calm, and I think he's somehow been able to give bossy Molly the smack down.

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Comment by Rachel on August 26, 2008 at 11:34pm
Molly and Tigger sound like great corgis. I'm sure Gracie would like to have another furry companion...but she'll have to wait a while for that!

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