Katie's Blog (46)

No Remorse

Today, Tig ate a box of Smores flavored nutrition bars. According to the vet, he shows no signs of being ill. And according to this video, no remorse either! Enjoy!  I didn't do nuthin!

Added by Katie on August 15, 2011 at 8:36pm — 6 Comments

Tigger- the personal trainer....

Tigger must want to help keep me on my diet. He snagged the last of the Girl Scout Trefoil cookies off of the table and ate them when I wasn't looking. Thanks Tig...you need the calories more than I do! heehee!

Added by Katie on April 13, 2011 at 11:29pm — No Comments

Corgilicious at the Horse Show

Yesterday I took the corgis to a local schooling show. I was really proud of them. Normally, I only take one or the other. This was the second time I've taken them both to a show. For the most part, they were very quiet. I took their dog beds with me so they had an option to lay down. The walked really well on their leashes and they also interacted well with the other dogs. A friend brought her her pitbull that she just adopted from the pound. She was really quiet, and again the corgis were…


Added by Katie on March 6, 2011 at 7:26pm — 1 Comment

Corgi Haiku

Silly corgis need blankets

To keep frosty snow…


Added by Katie on February 4, 2011 at 8:30pm — 2 Comments

Corgilicious Made New Friends Today!

I introduced corgilicious to the barn's resident Great Danes today. There are three at the barn...a senior male (11 years old!!!) tan, a one year old blue female, and a tan GD/something mix.   I don't think the corgis had ever met dogs as big as the Danalicious so I was a bit worried they would be intimidated and be rude. After all, these are the two that give stink eye and like to boss anything around. I think the corgs thought they were ponies or something, it was no big deal.  What a…


Added by Katie on January 22, 2011 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

What TIg almost ate tonight!

He found a candy bar in my purse, dug it out and bit into it.  I heard the snap of it breaking in half, and I had just enough time to pull it out of his mouth. That dog is a big ole mess!

Added by Katie on January 11, 2011 at 9:42pm — 4 Comments

What the Tig ate this week: 1/2 bag of peppermint sticks

A friend of mine picked up a bag of peppermint sticks to give to my horse Red. It was a treat for him since he had moved to a new barn.  I decided to take the corgis with me, since it has been a long day, it was very cold and they would enjoy a walk around the new barn.  As we were driving to the barn, Tigs got closer and closer to me. 

"Awww, he wants to cuddle." NOT! He was doing recon work on the yummy smelling peppermint sticks in my purse that was under my car…


Added by Katie on January 9, 2011 at 4:41pm — 3 Comments

I think my corgi needs gastric bypass!

OMG! Holy Corgi! What will the TIG not eat?

Last night, I took them to run a christmas errand to the grocery store.  I left them in the car, and I forgot that I had left a Lean Cuisine that I took home from the work fridge.  It was a halfway defrosted Rosemary Chicken with risotto. I came back and Tigger looked oddly sedated, like a food coma.  I looked around and noticed lots of shredded cardboard.  It was the outer container! He had gently pulled back the plastic cover on the dish,…


Added by Katie on December 24, 2010 at 12:59am — 6 Comments

Happy Holidays from Molly and Tigger!

All their love, barks and special holiday FRAPS to all of their corgi brothers and sisters on Mycorgi.com!

Added by Katie on November 19, 2010 at 7:57pm — 2 Comments

Corgi is my co-pilot.

Lazy co-pilots...but pilots nonetheless!

Molly is always on the pink, Tigger is always on the blue. Heehee!

Added by Katie on October 4, 2010 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

jingle jingle jingle jingle jingle jingle

No! It's not the sound of reindeer on my rooftop. It's the sound of the dog tags jingling as my dogs scratch, scratch and scratch some more!

I am so frustrated! I think there's a flea infestation at the barn from the barn cats. So I take the dogs to the barn, and even if they are on flea preventative they come home in fleas.

Last week, I gave them a flea bath and then treated them with Pro Meris. They stayed away from the barn for a week. They went out on Sunday…


Added by Katie on September 27, 2010 at 11:00pm — 13 Comments

Supplements for Corgis

As an equestrian, I've learned that adding supplements to good care and nutrition can be very beneficial to my horse's health and wellbeing. I believe this is true for my corgis as well. I feed my corgis high quality food: Tigger gets Blue Buffalo lamb and rice. Molly gets Science Diet C/D to keep her UTI's under control. I also feed the corgis healthy snacks such as carrots and green beans and crandberries. About 1x a week, I add Omega 3 fatty acid supplement to to support their skin coat and… Continue

Added by Katie on August 26, 2010 at 11:24pm — No Comments

Big Ears!

Last week during one of our walks, a neighbor stopped us and said Tigger had the biggest ears on a dog he'd ever seen. The are pretty long and perky, but maybe they just look big in relationship to his short legs. HAHA!

Added by Katie on August 22, 2010 at 7:24pm — 4 Comments

Dog Daze of Summer

It's been really hot lately. About 104 every day! Our walks have been short and sweet. Here's a photo diary of our evening walk to the park around the corner. They just love their walks, Tigger always has to be closest to the door, so he pushes Molly out of the way and gets them both tangled up on their leash. After we are all done, Tigger is quick to rest and Molly is always waiting for something exciting to happen.…


Added by Katie on August 17, 2010 at 3:10pm — 7 Comments

Hugo- a beautiful corgi needs a home Contact North Texas Welsh Corgi Rescue

Look at this face! I wanna kiss it and give it a cookie! What a precious bebe! If you love this photo as much as I do, please consider adopting him! Contact North Texas Welsh Corgi Rescue



Added by Katie on July 3, 2010 at 9:30pm — 4 Comments

Princess: A special corgi needs a special home

Princess, a corgi rescued by North Texas Corgi Rescue has a sad story to tell, and she needs a happy ending and a forever home. Please read her information on NTCR's facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/k.e.caballero?ref=name#!/photo.php?pid=173804&id=115105638519825&ref=mf

I can't figure out why that link isn't working, so I am adding NTCR's FB page:…


Added by Katie on June 7, 2010 at 11:30pm — 3 Comments

He's no super model...

I am trying to sell one of my extra dog collars on ebay. I bought it too big for Molly (thus the pink and green skull and cross bones, Tigger has green with pink skull and crossbones). I put it on Tigger because it fit him best, I thought it would be a good sales hook to put a super cute picture of a corgi wearing the collar on ebay, so I put the collar on him and I powered up the camera....he absolutely would NOT cooperate! I say he's no Cindy Crawford, my friends say he's probably more of…


Added by Katie on May 31, 2010 at 9:00pm — 2 Comments

Corgi Sitting- Advice Needed!

My dearest friend (who introduced me to corgis) will be going out of town for a week and I have offered to watch her corgi, Emily, for her. My dogs normally get along very well with her. They always hang out at the barn, go on car rides, etc. But I haven't had her at my house unattended without her human mom since I've gotten Tigger. Molly and Tigger can be real bullies (esp. Molly cuz she is the brains and Tig is the muscle). There was only one incident that was bad, and it was that… Continue

Added by Katie on January 26, 2010 at 9:19pm — 6 Comments

Nose to Nose contact IZ BAD!

Dog Class was a lot of fun...we work on a lot of stuff...walking figure 8's around other dogs, greeting, come, lay down, and then some agility stuff....there were a lot of dogs in class tonight, most of them TIgger was familiar with...there was a new little jack or corgi mix that was very whiny...and came close to Tig and had some NTN and Tigger growled at her. And then another GS that Tig is v.v. familiar with came up and did NTN contact,and Tig growled and curled his lip at him.... we… Continue

Added by Katie on January 19, 2010 at 10:35pm — 4 Comments

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