Yesterday I took the corgis to a local schooling show. I was really proud of them. Normally, I only take one or the other. This was the second time I've taken them both to a show. For the most part, they were very quiet. I took their dog beds with me so they had an option to lay down. The walked really well on their leashes and they also interacted well with the other dogs. A friend brought her her pitbull that she just adopted from the pound. She was really quiet, and again the corgis were really good with her.
Like most horse shows, there were many dogs there...especially corgis.Towards the end of the day, Tigs was really tired, and would barely lift his head off his bed- obviously it was time for for us to go home. I didn't get a picture of them at the show but I will be sure to do so next time!
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