I think my corgi needs gastric bypass!

OMG! Holy Corgi! What will the TIG not eat?

Last night, I took them to run a christmas errand to the grocery store.  I left them in the car, and I forgot that I had left a Lean Cuisine that I took home from the work fridge.  It was a halfway defrosted Rosemary Chicken with risotto. I came back and Tigger looked oddly sedated, like a food coma.  I looked around and noticed lots of shredded cardboard.  It was the outer container! He had gently pulled back the plastic cover on the dish, ate the entire meal, and licked the plate clean!Sheesh...I couldn't blame him...I had left it there, and I know about his foodaholic ways! 

I think this corgi has an iron stomach.....

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Comment by Carol Rea on December 24, 2010 at 5:23pm
Is he related to Sonny?????  We came home from town yesterday and Sonny had this sandwich roll in his mouth.  Now, when we left, the bag of 12 was on top of the fridge!!  How, one might ask can a corgi get a bag of rolls from ont top of the fridge?  The cat, of course.  He had managed to eat the entire dozen minus the one in his mouth (we found the bag in the laundry room.  A month ago he ate a plate of banana bread off the coffee table (I forget he can get there as Lucky cannot)  He was dainy and did not break the antique plate!  He looks so innocent after he does this - pretty soon he will not be able to get under the bed!
Comment by Jennifer Markley on December 24, 2010 at 11:49am
I've been under the impression that Seanna talked Sage into getting the garbage can down, since I was certain with no legs there was no possible way she could have done it.  Until I caught her the other day.  I'll be damned...her new name is "Slinky"...I swear she stretched 6" longer than she normally is.
Comment by Susan Stanton on December 24, 2010 at 8:19am
Too funny.  It's the innocent look on the face afterwards ("what?!? me??  no, some marauding lab just bounded in the car, ate and left....!") that particularly cracks me up.  And it's always a lab that did it, according to Ethel.
Comment by Patricia A Columbo on December 24, 2010 at 8:10am
Tootsie is proud!!!!!!  The only thing she would have done different is to eat the cardboard....
Comment by John Wolff on December 24, 2010 at 1:19am

Even Gwynnie and Al are impressed.  They sit in mute awed admiration -- even as, not to be outdone,  they plot a crime to equal the Tig's.

Comment by Susan S. on December 24, 2010 at 1:17am
So funny!  I hope his tummy was not upset.  Søren recently pulled a pizza box, with pizza still in it, off the dining room table.  He ate almost a whole piece before we could intervene.  He wasn't sick at all, but he did have food coma!

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