Here we are, with the second week of August behind us, and I'm getting ready to go back to work. Camber and I have been spending loads of quality time together and I just realized how much I was going to miss her come September. Being a teacher has its time advantages and Cam and I would hang out on the couch or in the backyard...she's going to miss me.

I've had to meet at the school these last couple of days, so I'm getting her used to the idea that I won't be around as much. But, it breaks my heart when she sees me grabbing my keys and she runs toward the door in anticipation of a walk or a car ride and I have to leave without her. Moses and I have been flirting with the idea of getting her a companion, but I think that it's too soon. Instead, I'm going to look into doggie daycares in the area. There's one in a neighboring town where the dogs get to be outside all day and they take them for walks. I don't want to drop her off at a pet groomer's/daycare...those little doggies look depressed. Camber would probably just hang out in a preferred corner and observe and I'd prefer that she be playing, or at least learning how to play.

However, our quality time together has been a tremendous help for her. Her personality is coming through everyday and she's been showing me signs that she has more trust in us and our friends. She takes treats from our friends and sits near them now. It's all good, all good.

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Comment by Elys on August 17, 2008 at 11:43am
All of Cam's posturing is silent. She's been running to Moses when he calls her, so I know that we are definitely moving forward.
Comment by Anne on August 17, 2008 at 11:06am
It is great you had some much time to stay with her and bond. It really does help to be with them lots and lots when they are not socialized with people. The few times I have left Le-Le with Gary, she wonders where I am and even went down the stairs which she never does to try and find me. She is my shadow and sits by my desk all day while I work. She has also made great strides with Gary and even ran up to him yesterday am to greet him. Le-Le is very socialized with dogs and will put them in their place if need be. I think this is a female corgi trait., bossy girl. Most times we still don't hear a peep out of her.
Comment by Elys on August 17, 2008 at 10:16am
Wow, your Dash is a bully. Just kidding. Despite the fact that Cam is so mellow, she shows backbone every now and then. When we went to visit a friend who has a Black Lab, Cam was cool. However, the Lab hasn't been socialized so she was flipping out. My friend was all nervous and I'm tryng to get her to realize that nothing would happen if she just chilled. Well, she kept trying to hold the Lab back, which just confused her, so when my friend let go, she charged Cam. Well, Cam had had enough. She got up and charged right into the Lab's face and pushed her out of "the zone". I believe that as long as dogs are socialized and all that, they tend to figure things out on their own. My friend was not as convinced. I suggested that she find a trainer-her Lab doesn't have any manner (I didn't say that to her).

Sounds like despite the fight, you had a good time at the meetup. I do believe that Cam is maturing. She licked my BF's hand this morning and she continues to be on my heels whenever I walk. It's all good.
Comment by Elys on August 16, 2008 at 5:02pm
About going back to work: I love knowing that I must be out by a certain time to tend to her needs. I'm a workaholic and before Cam, I'd stay until 7 or 8 at school. Once she came, I got home at a decent hour and it's made domestic life so much more pleasant. And it made work all the more pleasant because I had something else to obsess about.
Comment by Elys on August 16, 2008 at 5:00pm
That's so funny that you call them "the bad pants"--classic! Corgi's wouldn't make very good actors--you can totally see what they're thinking/feeling on their faces. If I'm home, she makes sure to sleep in a corner where she can keep her brown eyes on me. Frankly, it can be a little disconcerting when she's just staring at you. but, then she fakes you out. You think she's sleeping, you get up to go get something to drink, come back and she's suddenly there, by your desk, wide-eyed, ears up, making sure I'm coming back. She actually goes searching for me if I've left for longer than she approves. Even goes into the bathroom when I take a shower--just to make sure.

She also does the stare thing when we're driving. If she's in the front seat, she's staring at me until I pet her, continuously on the head. If I stop, I get "the look". If she's in the back, she places herself strategically to keep me in her line of sight. She's stalking me.
Comment by Zed on August 16, 2008 at 4:45pm
Zed recognizes what my wife and I have started referring to as "the bad pants" (slacks for work). When we get up and ready in shorts or jeans he's happy and keys have his undivided attention. When we put on the bad pants he goes to his bed and pouts. Keys do not interest him and usually he will not even look at me as I go out the door. He's pitiful. He sleeps most of the day when we're here so I leave the radio on for him while we're gone.
Comment by Corey & Holly's Mom on August 16, 2008 at 4:44pm
I agree. I am going back to school and will miss the time with my puppies.
Comment by Elys on August 16, 2008 at 4:03pm
Cam sleeps all day long, as well. But, they know that we're there. I'm just hoping that my time with her has been a good foundation for her to keep growing emotionally. I will admit, though, that I am excited to be going back to work. I can only "hang" for so long before I start going stir crazy.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on August 16, 2008 at 12:38pm
I can relate. My husband teaches high school and I was laid off in May, so he and I and the kids have had a wonderful summer to spend with the dogs. Now the kids have returned to school, and my husband follows shortly. The house is getting quieter and quieter. In many ways I hope to get a job soon, yet that will mean leaving the puppy alone all day again. I like being a stay-at-home mom to him, LOL! Still, when I'm home he sleeps all afternoon and I imagine he does this when we're away too, so how much can he miss us, really?

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