Let me just preface this by saying that I was a nanny for 2 years. I am a teacher. I love kids. But, I really didn't like these 3 little girls at the dog park yesterday.

First off, they were unattended. Their adult was in the vicinity, but wasn't paying attention. Well, these little girls were trying to pet every dog in the area. There were a variety of dogs there and they were all playing with each other. They seemed to want to do nothing with human babies. So, here come Cam and I. She's sniffing around, other doggies are sniffing her, she's doing her thing. Well, a little human toddler runs up to Cam, who's surrounded by other dogs (no place to go) and starts whacking her on the head, "petting her". So, I run over because Cam had the look in her eye ("get me outta here, PLEASE!!) and tried to tell the little girl that she has to "be careful". I almost made her cry and she ran to her human who gave ME a dirty look.

Frist off. IT'S A DOG PARK! People must make sure that their kids are attended and that they know not to approach unknown dogs--simply because they're "cute". "Cute" dogs can rip a kids face open. Second. I HAVE NO MONEY TO PAY UP IF YOU SUE ME BACAUSE MY DOG BIT YOUR UNATTENDED KID and I won't put my dog down because of it. It was so irritating. Cam and I had to leave the park.

Cam does need to be socialized with little kids, but it'll be on my terms in a controlled environment. I was so miffed at these people. Clearly, they're not dog owners.

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Comment by Elys on August 22, 2008 at 10:34pm
As teachers, the lack of etiquette is just such an issue. I think it's an epidemic. Luckily, I haven't seen any of the kids around here purposely hurting an animal and if I did, well, that kids' ears would be burning! Camber was neglected when we rescued her and there were moments of doubt of whether or not to get her, but when I saw her little face and where she was living, we had to get her to get her out of that situation.

I actually don't mind snakes. We had 2 garter snakes in the yard who I names Belt and Wallet because to me, snakes represent accessories. My BF wanted to kill them (he hates them, too) but I wouldn't let him. They weren't bugging anybody.
Comment by Corey & Holly's Mom on August 22, 2008 at 10:15pm
Unfortunately, parents are not teaching their children basic social skills of our society. Their are some children that have not been taught right from wrong. As dog owners we need to understand that we that not all humans treat there dogs with the love and respect that we do and/or have not taught their children the correct manners around animals. What makes me mad is when I see a child purposely trying to hurt an animal because I love all living creatures(ok maybe not snakes).
Comment by Ginny and Diggory on August 18, 2008 at 11:53am
Off-leash dog parks can be very rowdy places. Not in a bad way, but when those pups start chasing each other, you really have to watch yourself. I've perfected the bent-knee pose for when they come flying around a corner so at least if they do knock me down I won't blow out a knee. Now, I'm very tall, and even I'm worried about getting knocked over, and then there are 3 year olds toddling around in the midst of this. Invariably some dog will come up to them and jump on them (mine included) and the parents, usually on the other side of the park paying no attention, hear the baby start screaming and rush over to console it. You can always tell they blame the unruly dogs for knocking over their kid, but if the dog park isn't the place for dogs to come and run and let themselves go, then where can they go? And believe me, there are many more parks designed for kids out there than there are for dogs... so take your kids there, where it's safe and you can supervise them better. I just don't get it.

some of the older kids at our dog park are GREAT though. They will ask to play with the dogs and then they are wonderful with them. Ginny LOVES kids and she especially likes the 8-10 year old boys who will play tug with her, wrestle, chase, etc. She's rather play with them than the other dogs and I figure it is good to help her get socialized with kids. I just worry about her around toddlers because she can get too enthusiastic and always wants to jump up and lick their faces.
Comment by Mei-ling-chan on August 18, 2008 at 9:30am
Count me in on agreeing with you all on this issue- it's hard to get angry at the children, when really it comes down to lack of discipline/teaching on the parent's part. I was taught at a VERY young age to be careful of other animals, and to ask the owner first if it was ok to touch it. We have some young kids on our street and so far, Vash has been good with them. He licks them, let's them pat him on the head- he does like to jump up and give face kisses though, so I always warn the parents first that he does this. If they say it's alright, and Vash knocks em down or they just start crying...well....I TOLD them lol. I make sure to get down on my knees and hold Vash when he interacts with the kids, just in case. I think I am more worried about the kids hurting Vash, them him doing anything to THEM! I do think that kids should be allowed at parks, but they need to be supervised. And I vote for having them on leashes too...
Comment by Elys on August 18, 2008 at 8:06am
Well, it looks like we're all in agreement with this one. By the way, one of my favorite words is "NO" and I have NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER in saying it. Especially to bratty little kids! We do need to protect our dogs from wayward kids, especially in this society where you can sue anyone. Best to just turn and go in the other direction than tempt "the principle of the matter".
Comment by FuzzyButt on August 17, 2008 at 11:04pm
First thing I would do if a child ran up and started petting my dog is snatch him away from them. Not to punish him but to take the temptation away from the child. Then I would calmly tell them that they have to ask me if they can pet him.

I personally have not had a problem with any kids wanting to pet Banzai yet. But I am sure to at some point. He is just too cute and adorable to young ones.

If a parent wants to give me grief about my teaching methods I'll simply inform them that they should have been supervising their kid as closely as I do my dog. I HATE that parents slack off so much and then want to blame others if something happends.

I am not a child person in fact kids down right scare me. I think it has to do with my childhood. Too much emotional scarring from evil soul sucking brats. Every parent wants to believe that their child is an angel sent from heaven, but this simply is not true. Children can be very cruel, and I'll be damned if anyone hurts my dog even if they are less then 4' tall.
Comment by Sarah C. on August 17, 2008 at 10:35pm
I don't think that little kids should be allowed in parks, not because children are rude but because there's no screening process for the dogs there. I won't let my dog near some of the dogs that show up, much less a child.
Secondly, I don't take my dog for it to socialize with children, I take my dog for her to socialize with dogs. Too many times kids that go "awww, cute doggie" have made it so my dog couldnt have fun because they were busy chasing her and picking her up.
Katy is right though. I need to learn to tell people no.
Comment by Parker on August 17, 2008 at 9:57pm
I agree that kids can surprise you, lots of kids in our neighborhood ask if they can pet Grover before the pet him. I live in a neighborhood with lots of dogs and lots of kids, so I think most of the kids have learned what to do in situations like this.
I also think that kids should totally be allowed at dog parks, I just think the parents should supervise their kids better. Grover loves kids and does great with them, but he is only 7 months old and still learner his manners, so I definitely don't want kids all over him.
Sometimes...as a social worker...I do really wish we had to have license to have kids. :) But only sometimes.
Comment by Elys on August 17, 2008 at 8:33pm
I agree. I hope the kid was alright. Hopefully, lessons were learned (although somehow I doubt it).
Comment by Karen & Bailey on August 17, 2008 at 8:29pm
i agree!

luckily, my bailey is super good with kids and will take anything and not bite. but i have to mention,...

bailey and i were at teh dog park last thursday. mom, daughter (no more than 3 years old), and a 3 year old boxer. the boxer was huge, probably 3-4x the size of the child. the dog didn't know how big it was and tried to play with bailey (and with bailey being un-neutered at the time, it was just that more rowdy). the human mom knew it was a bad idea, so she took her dog and daughter over to a group about 50 feet away that had big dogs playing with one another. Yay for that. Anyways, long story short the toddler was allowed to romp around while mom made small talk,a nd next thing you know the kid is crying. apparently the boxer and this other dog were playing, and knocked the kid down.

I don't think kids that young sohuld be able to roam around on foot. at least protect them by placing them in a secure stroller, and just let them watch (its not like they can play there anyways..). Especially since our dog park is frequented by an american bulldog who likes to jump on peoples faces and give kisses........

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