I took Banzai out to go potty, and on our way in I see him pick up a plastic sandwich bag. I take the bag from him and toss it away. But when we got inside I saw that he had something else in his mouth. I asked "what do you have," which is normally our sign to him that he has something he knows he is not supposed to. I reach in to grab it. He turns away quickly and then SNAP. He bites me.

Needless to say I was shocked. Outside of playing around he has never bit any of us. Even when he does bite during play we yelp, say "no bite," and place him on his back so that he calms down. This was 100% intentional. Banzai did NOT want to give up what he had and tried pushing his luck with me.

After the shock wore off I moved in again to get the item out of Banzai's mouth. He growled and tried to move away again. I told him to "give it to me," and "drop it" over and over again. I managed to tear off a big chunk of the thing and realized that it was some kind of duck tape. WTH? He was fighting me over THAT?! I advanced on him once more, and with a lot more vocal protest from Banzai I got the rest of the tape out of his mouth.

With the initial threat out of the way I grabbed Banzai and placed him on his back. We use this move as a means to get him to calm down and to show our dominance. We are above him and he needs to know that. Biting the boss is a no, no. I hold him still until he calms down and stops squirming. Then I let him up, and went into the bedroom where Ryan was.

"...He bit me."
"He bit you?"
*nods* "He did it on purpose too."

I told Ryan the story. He mentioned that he saw the bag and stuff lying around earlier, and kept Banzai away from it. I told him that I was pissed. I was mad at the person who just threw their trash in our back yard and I was also angry at Banzai for testing me. Ryan thinks that Banzai did it because he wasn't around. Usually Ryan is the one who holds Banzai down for biting, and Banzai probably thought that he could get away with it with me. No dice. I held him down too and Ryan was proud to hear it. But I was still upset. I told Ryan that if Banzai needs to go out again that he should be the one to take him because I was so upset.

Banzai does not need anger from me he needs discipline, and he won't get that from me right now. So I am taking a break, and keeping my distance. I'm taking the time to type this out so that I can cool off, and be a better mommy to him.

I have an appointment with my shrink tomorrow morning and I want to take Banzai with so she can meet him. Unfortunately for the little snot this means a bath.

Hehehehe, revenge! :F

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Comment by FuzzyButt on August 19, 2008 at 7:48pm
Oh THAT! I do make Banzai sit before food, and he does not get treats unless we are training. The other things I have not been able to teach him yes. I have to wait till my puppy class starts.
Comment by FuzzyButt on August 19, 2008 at 7:43pm
Things are going better. As soon as I got done with my post I felt better. I took Banzai in and gave him his bath. He did not like it as much as I did.

I have Banzai signed up for puppy classes already. I have heard a lot of people mention NILF but they never go into detail about what it is. I will look it up.
Comment by Jenni & Dave Fields on August 19, 2008 at 11:04am
We have had similar situations with Spencer....he is constantly testing us. He is a very smart dog and at times likes to see just how far he can get...stay strong!
Comment by Sam on August 19, 2008 at 9:47am
Truly not uncommon for a pup to exhibit this behavior. When you consider how dogs interact with dogs this is how they keep the object of their choosing. It is important that Banzai learns to release objects to you at your request. This takes training and repetitions. I have to say I do not think putting him on his back is going to help you much. Actually in some cases this can increases the agitated state of the dog. I think you would do well to find a puppy class in your area. Corgis are very strong willed little dogs and need good structure, routine and leadership to become good companions. Some start very early "testing" their humans. While you perceive he did it on purpose he was merely acting like a puppy that wanted to keep his prize. Truly nothing personal. Do some research on NILF which encompasses many of the same things as the above poster mentioned. You are smart to not work with him while you are angry though getting angry with a pup does little to help him learn. I look at these situations as more of a teaching tool as they give me the opportunity to redirect the behavior. You will probably face many challenging situations as he grows.
Comment by Sarah C. on August 19, 2008 at 9:30am
It's really good that you didn't let him get his way because he bit! Kudos to you!
Comment by Mei-ling-chan on August 19, 2008 at 9:06am
We had the same thing happen with us and Vash. About 3 weeks after we had him, it began to be really hard to get things out of his mouth that he wasn't supposed to have. It culminated in him having something, my fiancee tried to take it away, And yeah, Vash bit him, growled and actually went after his hand. I must admit, we reacted kinda badly. We gave him a smack on the nose and yelled at him. But, in our defense, it was SO shocking to see him so agressive like that over an object. We changed up some of our strategy- when we feed him, we make him sit, put our hand in the bowl while he eats, take the food away and make him sit again. Before we give him toys/treats, we make him sit calmly. We also handle him while he plays with his toys and eats his snacks, placing our fingers around his mouth and petting him on the head. Any sign of agressiveness, we take the object away. We also adopted the same discipline method as Reese- we use coins in a coke can and it seems to work (most of the time lol). I know exactly how you feel- it's so shocking and so upsetting to see that behavior directed towards YOU...you can't help being a bit angry and put-off. But it will pass, puppies do like to test things, and they eventually see they can't get away with stuff. Good luck with Banzai (<3 that name), he didn't mean to hurt you :)
Comment by Reese on August 19, 2008 at 8:28am
I'm sorry he tried to test you... Reese had an issue with Matt the other day, but it was kind of his fault. We have used a plastic tupperware container and put some pennies in there. When we shake it that means No! We also say no... but we find that the noise works better and she stops whatever she isn't suppose to do. Now when she even see the container she stops. Things will get better...

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